< Statement A


Under Statement B, receipts must be recorded when money is actually received by the labor organization and disbursements must be recorded when money is actually paid out by the labor organization.

The purpose of Statement B is to report the flow of cash in and out of the labor organization during the reporting period. Transfers between separate bank accounts or between special funds of the labor organization, such as vacation or strike funds, do not represent the flow of cash in and out of the labor organization. Therefore, these transfers should not be reported as receipts and disbursements of the labor organization. For example, do not report a transfer of cash from the labor organization's savings account to its checking account. Likewise, the use of funds reported in Item 22 (Cash) of Statement A to purchase certificates of deposit and the redemption of certificates of deposit should not be reported in Statement B.

Since Statement B reports all cash flowing in and out of the labor organization, "netting" is not permitted. "Netting" is the offsetting of receipts against disbursements and reporting only the balance (net) as either a receipt or disbursement. For example, if an officer received $1,000 from the labor organization for convention expenses, used only $800 and returned the remaining $200, the $1,000 disbursement must be reported in Schedule 11 (All Officers and Disbursements to Officers) and the appropriate disbursement Schedule 15 through 19, and the $200 receipt must be reported in Schedule 14 (Other Receipts). It would be incorrect to report only an $800 net disbursement to the officer.

Receipts and disbursements by an agent on behalf of the labor organization are considered receipts and disbursements of the labor organization and must be reported in the same detail as other receipts and disbursements. For example, if the labor organization owns a building managed by a rental agent, the agent's rental receipts and disbursements for expenses must be reported on the labor organization's Form LM-2. Also, if the labor organization's parent body or an intermediate body functions as an agent receiving and disbursing funds of the labor organization to third parties, these receipts and disbursements must be reported on the labor organization's Form LM-2. For example, if a parent body receives the labor organization’s dues and makes disbursements from that money to pay the labor organization’s bills (such as payments to an attorney for legal services), those receipts and disbursements must be reported on the labor organization’s Form LM-2.


36. DUES AND AGENCY FEES – Enter the total dues including regular dues, working dues, etc. received by the labor organization. Include dues received directly by the organization from members, dues received from employers through a checkoff arrangement, and dues transmitted to the organization by a parent body or other affiliate. Report the full dues received, including any portion that will later be transmitted to an intermediate or parent body as per capita tax. Also report in Item 36 payments in lieu of dues received from any nonmember employees as a condition of employment under a union security provision in a collective bargaining agreement.

If an intermediate or parent body receives dues checkoff directly from an employer on behalf of the reporting organization, do not report in Item 36 the portion retained by that organization for per capita tax or other purposes, such as a special assessment. Any amounts retained by the intermediate body or parent body other than per capita tax must be explained in Item 69 (Additional Information). For example, if the intermediate body or parent body retained $500 of the reporting organization's dues checkoff as payment for supplies purchased from that body by the reporting organization, this should be explained in Item 69, but the $500 should not be reported as a receipt or disbursement on the reporting organization's Form LM-2. If, however, the intermediate body or parent body disbursed part of the reporting organization's dues checkoff on that organization's behalf, this amount should be included in Item 36 and in the appropriate disbursement item on the reporting organization's Form LM-2. For example, if the intermediate body or parent body disbursed $500 of the reporting organization's dues checkoff to an attorney who had provided lobbying services to the reporting organization, this amount should be reported in Item 36 and as a disbursement in Schedule 16 (Political Activities and Lobbying) of the reporting organization's Form LM-2.

Do not report in Item 36 dues that the reporting organization collected on behalf of other organizations for transmittal to them. For example, if the reporting organization received dues from a member of an affiliate who worked in the reporting organization's jurisdiction, the dues collected on the affiliate's behalf must be reported in Item 46.

37. PER CAPITA TAX — Enter the total per capita tax received by your organization if your organization is an intermediate or parent body; otherwise, enter “0” in Item 37. Include the per capita tax portion of dues received directly by your organization from members of affiliates, per capita tax received from subordinates, either directly or through intermediaries, and the per capita tax portion of dues received through a checkoff arrangement whereby local dues are remitted directly to an intermediate or parent body by employers. Do not include dues collected on behalf of subordinate organizations for transmittal to them. For example, if a parent body received dues checkoff directly from an employer and returned the local’s portion of the dues, the parent body must report the dues received on behalf of the local in Item 46 (On Behalf of Affiliates for Transmittal to Them).

38. FEES, FINES, ASSESSMENTS, WORK PERMITS — Enter the labor organization's receipts from fees, fines, assessments, and work permits. Receipts by the labor organization on behalf of affiliates for transmittal to them must be reported in Item 46 (On Behalf of Affiliates for Transmittal to Them).

39. SALE OF SUPPLIES — Enter the total amount received by the labor organization from the sale of supplies such as union logo clothing, lapel pins, bumper stickers, etc.

40. INTEREST — Enter the total amount of interest received by the labor organization from savings accounts, bonds, mortgages, loans, and all other sources.

41. DIVIDENDS — Enter the total amount of dividends from stocks and other investments received by the labor organization. Do not include "dividends" from credit unions, savings and loan associations, etc., which must be reported in Item 40 (Interest).

42. RENTS — Enter the total amount of rents received by the labor organization.

43. SALE OF INVESTMENTS AND FIXED ASSETS — The software will enter the total ”Net Sales” reported in Column (E) of Schedule 3 (Sale of Investments and Fixed Assets).

44. LOANS OBTAINED — The software will enter the total reported in Column (C) of Schedule 9 (Loans Payable).

45. REPAYMENTS OF LOANS MADE — The software will enter the total reported in Column (D)(1) of Schedule 2 (Loans Receivable).

46. ON BEHALF OF AFFILIATES FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THEM — Enter the total amount of dues, fees, fines, assessments, and work permit fees received by the labor organization, through a checkoff arrangement or otherwise, on behalf of affiliates for transmittal to them. Do not include the amount withheld by the labor organization for per capita taxes or other purposes, such as loan repayments, which must be reported elsewhere in Statement B. When the receipts reported in Item 46 are transmitted, the disbursement must be reported in related Item 63 (To Affiliates of Funds Collected on Their Behalf).

47. FROM MEMBERS FOR DISBURSEMENT ON THEIR BEHALF — Enter the total receipts from members that are specifically designated by them for disbursement on their behalf; for example, contributions from members for transmittal by the labor organization to charities. When receipts that are reported in Item 47 are transmitted, the disbursement must be reported in related Item 64 (On Behalf of Individual Members).

48. OTHER RECEIPTS — The software will enter the total reported on Summary Schedule 14, Line 4.

49. TOTAL RECEIPTS — Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of Statement B and the software will add the amounts in Items 36 through 48 and enter the total in Item 49.


50. REPRESENTATIONAL ACTIVITIES – The software will enter the total from Summary Schedule 15, Line 6.

51. POLITICAL ACTIVITIES AND LOBBYING – The software will enter the total from Summary Schedule 16, Line 6.

52. CONTRIBUTIONS, GIFTS, AND GRANTS – The software will enter the total from Summary Schedule 17, Line 6.

53. GENERAL OVERHEAD – The software will enter the total from Summary Schedule 18, Line 6.

54. UNION ADMINISTRATION – The software will enter the total from Summary Schedule 19, Line 6.

55. BENEFITS – The software will enter the total reported in Column (C) of Schedule 20 (Benefits).

56. PER CAPITA TAX — Enter your organization’s total amount of per capita tax paid as a condition or requirement of affiliation with your parent national or international union, state and local central bodies, a conference, joint or system board, joint council, federation, or other labor organization.

57. STRIKE BENEFITS – Enter the total amount of all disbursements made to, or on behalf of the members (or agency fee paying nonmembers) of the labor organization, and others, associated with strikes (including recognitional strikes), work stoppages and lockouts during the reporting period.

58. FEES, FINES, ASSESSMENTS, ETC. — Enter the total amount of fees, fines, assessments, and similar disbursements made by the labor organization to a parent body or other labor organization.

59. SUPPLIES FOR RESALE — Enter the labor organization's total disbursements for purchases of supplies such as union logo clothing, lapel pins, bumper stickers, etc. for resale.

60. PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS AND FIXED ASSETS — The software will enter the total reported in Column (D) of Schedule 4 (Purchase of Investments and Fixed Assets).

61. LOANS MADE — The software will enter the total reported in Column (C) of Schedule 2 (Loans Receivable).

62. REPAYMENT OF LOANS OBTAINED — The software will enter the total reported in Column (D)(1) of Schedule 9 (Loans Payable).

63. TO AFFILIATES OF FUNDS COLLECTED ON THEIR BEHALF — Enter the total disbursements of funds collected on behalf of affiliates by the labor organization. This amount usually is the same as the amount reported in related Item 46 (On Behalf of Affiliates for Transmittal to Them). Any such funds not disbursed by the end of the reporting period are liabilities of the labor organization and must be reported in Schedule 10 (Other Liabilities).

64. ON BEHALF OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS — Enter the total disbursements of funds collected from members by the labor organization that were specifically designated by them for disbursement on their behalf. This amount usually is the same as the amount reported in related Item 47 (From Members for Disbursement on Their Behalf). Any such funds not disbursed by the end of the reporting period are liabilities of the labor organization and must be reported in Schedule 10 (Other Liabilities).

65. DIRECT TAXES – Enter all taxes assessed against and paid by your organization, including your organization’s FICA taxes as an employer. Do not include disbursements for the transmittal of taxes withheld from the salaries of officers and employees which must be reported in Item 67 (Withholding Taxes and Other Payroll Deductions). Also, do not include indirect taxes, such as sales and excise taxes, for purchases reported in other disbursement items.

66. SUBTOTAL — Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of Statement B and the software will add the amounts in Items 50 through 65 and enter the subtotal in Item 66.

67. WITHHOLDING TAXES AND OTHER PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS – a. Total Withheld - Enter the total amount of withholding taxes and all other payroll deductions during the reporting period.

b. Total Disbursed - Enter the total amount of withholding taxes and all other payroll deductions that were disbursed by your organization during the reporting period. This includes your organization’s total disbursements to Federal, state, county, and municipal government agencies for the transmittal of taxes withheld from the salaries of officers and employees, including officers’ and employees’ portion of FICA taxes and all disbursements for the transmittal of other payroll deductions.

c. Total Withheld But Not Disbursed – Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of Statement B and the software will subtract Item 67b from Item 67a and enter the difference in Item 67c. The software will also complete Item 68 (Total Disbursements) as explained in the next instruction.

68. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS – As indicated in the previous instruction, when Item 66c is completed and the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of Statement B is clicked the software subtracts Item 67c from Item 66 and enters the difference in Item 68.

NOTE: The following worktable may be used to determine that the figures for receipts, disbursements, and cash are correctly reported on the labor organization's Form LM-2:

A. Cash at Start of Reporting $ Period — Item 22, Column (A)

B. Add: Total Receipts — Item 49 $

C. Total of Lines A and B $

D. Subtract: Total Disbursements $ — Item 68

E. Cash at End of Period $

If Line E does not equal the amount reported in Item 22, Column (B), there is an error in the labor organization's report, which should be corrected.

Last Updated: 6-3-16