< Statement B



Report all amounts in dollars only. Round cents to the nearest dollar. Amounts ending in $.01 through $.49 should be rounded down. Amounts ending in $.50 through $.99 should be rounded up.


Complete all items and lines on the form. Do not use different accounting classifications or change the wording of any item or line.


Entries in Schedules 2 and 9 and in Statement A must report amounts for both the start and the end of the reporting period. The amounts entered for the start of the reporting period on the labor organization's report should be identical to the amounts entered for the end of the reporting period on last year's report. If the
amounts are not the same, fully explain the difference in Item 69 (Additional Information).


Complete Schedules 1 through 20 before completing Statements A and B. Be sure to complete all applicable lines in Schedules 1 through 20. As you complete the schedules, the software will transfer some of the totals to the appropriate items in Statements A and B. You must enter the remaining totals manually.


Complete all items in Statement A and
Statement B. Enter "0" where appropriate.



The labor organization must report 1) all accounts with an entity or individual that aggregate to a value of $5,000 or more and that are 90 days or more past due at the end of the reporting period or were liquidated, reduced or written off during the reporting period; and 2) the total aggregated value of all other accounts receivable.

If additional lines are needed, click the “Add More Accounts Receivable” button at the top of the schedule. The software will add lines to the schedule in increments of ten.

Column (A): Enter the name of each entity or individual with which the labor organization has an account receivable of $5,000 or more that is 90 days or more past due at the end of the reporting period or that was liquidated, reduced or written off during the reporting period without the receipt of cash sufficient to cover the total value of the account receivable.

Column (B): Enter the total amount of money owed to the labor organization by each listed entity or individual at the end of the reporting period. Enter on the “Total from all other accounts receivable” line the total amount of money owed to the labor organization in all other accounts receivable not required to be itemized in Schedule 1.

Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the schedule and the software completes the “Total of all itemized accounts receivable” line in Column (B) and enters the total accounts receivable in Column (B) and in Item 23, Column (B) of Statement A.

Column (C): Enter the total amount of money owed to the labor organization by each listed entity or individual at the end of the reporting period that is 90 to 180 days past due. Enter the total amount of money owed to the labor organization in all other accounts receivable (those of less than $5,000) that are 90 to 180 days past due and are not required to be itemized in Schedule 1 on the “Total from all other accounts receivable” line.

Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the schedule and the software completes the “Total of all itemized accounts receivable” line in Column (C) and enters the total accounts receivable that were 90 to 180 days past due in Column (C).

Column (D): Enter the total amount of money owed to the labor organization by each listed entity or individual at the end of the reporting period that is more than 180 days past due. Enter the total amount of money owed to the labor organization in all other accounts receivable (those of less than $5,000 and not require to be itemized in Schedule 1) that are more than 180 days past due on the “Total from all other accounts receivable” line.

Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the schedule and the software completes the “Total of all itemized accounts receivable “line in Column (D) and enters the total accounts receivable that were more than 180 days past due in Column (D).

Column (E): Enter the total amount of money owed to the labor organization by each entity or individual that was liquidated, reduced or written off during the reporting period by the reporting labor organization without the receipt of cash sufficient to cover the total value of the account receivable. Enter on the “Total from all other accounts receivable” line the total amount of money owed to the labor organization in all other accounts receivable (those of less than $5,000 and not required to be itemized in Schedule1) that was liquidated, reduced or written off during the reporting period by the reporting labor organization without the receipt of cash sufficient to cover the total value of the account receivable.

Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the schedule and the software completes the “Total of all itemized accounts receivable “line in Column (E) and enters the total liquidated accounts receivable in Column (E).

Provide in Item 69 (Additional Information) all details and circumstances in connection with the liquidation, reduction or writing off of any account receivable, in accordance with the instructions for Item 15 (Acquisition or Disposition of Assets).

Last Updated: 6-13-12