Tatpartaa Project
The Tatpartaa (the Nepali word for commitment and ability to respond) project in Nepal will build the capacity of local communities to address child labor and forced labor, with a specific focus on confronting new challenges resulting from the impact of climate change.
The Problem
Research is needed to understand the link between climate change and child labor and forced labor. As climate change intensifies, at-risk communities are experiencing floods, droughts, and other climate-related phenomena that are likely to increase vulnerabilities to child labor and forced labor. An estimated 10 million children were on the move due to climate change in 2020 according to UNICEF. Migration can lead to children leaving school, which is a risk factor for child labor. As agricultural productivity declines in Nepal, families that have farmed for generations are now increasingly relying on seasonal migration to brick kilns as an adaptation strategy. There is evidence of climate change increasing vulnerability to labor exploitation, child labor, forced labor, sexual violence, and trafficking, particularly among girls and women.
Our Strategy
Through locally led research, the project will increase knowledge and understanding of the link between climate change and vulnerability to child labor and/or forced labor. The project will build the capacity of 22 local governments to design and implement initiatives to mitigate the negative impact of climate change on the economic well-being of families and communities in order to protect against child labor and forced labor. The project will work to empower and amplify the voices of those who have been the most socially excluded (and therefore the most at risk of child and forced labor), so that their perspectives and needs are given greater priority in initiatives aimed at mitigating the impact of climate change on vulnerable populations in Nepal.
- Grantee:
- World Education Division of JSI Research & Training Institute
- Implementing Partners:
- Child Protection Organization, Dalit Human Rights Watch Committee, Grameen Mahila Swabalamban Sanstha, Mahila Atma Nirbharata Kendra, Rural Development Centre Nepal, Sindhuli Integrated Development Services Nepal, Suryodaya Samaj Sewa, Uttpidit Dalit Samaj Saptari, Rural Reconstruction Nepal, Women Awareness Centre Nepal
- Contact Information:
- (202) 693-4843 / Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT)
- Tags:
- Child Labor
- Bricks
- Capacity Building
- Carpet
- Climate Change
- Zari