Project Resource

Module 4: Work and Resources in the Family - Empowerment for children, youth and families: 3R trainers’ kit on rights, responsibilities and representation - Supporting Life Skills in Myanmar (Burmese)

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Course kit

Training module in the 3-R Trainer's Kit.  This module deals with household and family responsibilities, access and resources in the family. In the first unit participants will analyze the division of work and the distribution of resources among women, men, girls and boys in families. The exercises show how norms and values about gender and age influence the roles and responsibilities of everybody in the family and the extent to which different family members can access and control family resources and benefits. In the second unit, participants find out what forms of work are appropriate for children and can be considered as acceptable ‘child work’ and what forms of work harm their development and is ‘child labour.’ Participants will also realize what are main hazards for children, what are the worst forms of child labour and why these need to be abolished as a matter of priority.

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My-PEC: Myanmar Program on the Elimination of Child Labor
International Labor Organization (ILO)
International Labor Organization (ILO)

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