This section discusses how to implement specific areas within a claims status project.


  • Improve your claims processes

    Claims with identified issues have clear resolution steps and the processing time is kept to a minimum. Learn to identify and resolve issues with slow-moving claims.

    Improve processes

  • Improve quality and availability of data

    Recommendations to help you to improve the quality, integrity, and availability of your data.

  • Incorporate a claims status tool into a legacy system

    If you want to launch a claims status tool but are working with a legacy system, an encasement strategy may be useful to you.

  • Create an integrated notifications system

    Effective notifications are an integral part of a claims status tool. Concise, clear, actionable, and timely notifications keep claimants informed about the progress and status of their claims.

  • Communicate with claimants in a user-friendly way

    Consistent, clear, concise, and user-friendly language can optimize your claimant’s experience and the effectiveness of your system.

  • Create a claimant-friendly status tool

    A claimant-friendly status tool can help people get the information they need on their own and feel confident about what step in the claims lifecycle they are in.

Screenshot of example claims status page in English

Check out our example claims status page

We created a prototype to demonstrate some of the concepts in this playbook.

The United States Department of Labor (DOL) is actively invested in your state’s success – if addressing claims status is an area of interest for you, please contact us. Email the UI Modernization Team or contact your Regional Office.