We prototyped an example claims status page to demonstrate some of the concepts in this playbook

You are welcome to explore the content and code of the prototype as a reference for your own claims status tool.

About the prototype

The prototype is a static web page. There are no dependencies on a server or database, and no user data is collected or stored. The prototype is meant to be purely informational and does not contain sensitive information. The claim information on the site is imaginary, for demo purposes only. Viewers can toggle between pre-defined scenarios demonstrating different claims status screens. 

Note that the prototype does not comprehensively cover all possible statuses or scenarios; its purpose is as a demonstration of some of the principles we discuss in this playbook rather than a fully functional tool. For example, this prototype does not include the status of appeals or overpayments, which are critical details for claimants but are often quite complex and deserving of the same level of investigation, data mapping, and design principles adherence as described in this playbook.  

Additionally, the example set of scenarios in the prototype is limited to a few common issues relevant to all states. When building your own tool, there will be many additional next steps, issues, and payment details that you’ll want to include, many of which may be specific to your state’s policies and regulations.   

Using the prototype 

This prototype demonstrates the user interface and software design patterns that we think could work well for a claim status page. It is not meant to be a complete solution, but rather a starting point for you to adapt and integrate with your own system. 

To gain access to the technology behind the prototype, we recommend that engineers pull the code down to their local computers, follow the setup instructions (co-located with the code), and explore the running application. You can also explore the code, as it uses many best practices from which your engineers can pick and choose to implement. 

The code can be accessed via this link: https://github.com/USDepartmentofLabor/claim-status-prototype 

Screenshot of example claims status page in English


We included eight pre-defined scenarios in the prototype to illustrate what information a claimant would have access to in different states of adjudication and completion.  

The table below shows the statuses in our prototype’s step indicator and the business logic that triggers each status. As noted before, the process is not necessarily linear, and our business logic accounts for that. For example, if a claim has been adjudicated and is in step 4 ("decision made") and is reopened with new non-monetary issues detected, the status tracker would revert back to step 3 ("claim in review").


Step label: incomplete 

Step label: complete 

Business logic for completion  

File claim 

Claim filed 

The application was created and submitted. 


Earnings review  


Earnings reviewed 

If a monetary determination was made and there are no open monetary issues. 


Claim in review 

Claim reviewed 

If a monetary determination was made but there are open separation or non-separation issues.  

Decision pending 


Decision made 



This step will show as the current step either when both determinations have been made, or if the monetary determination was ineligible.  

End of benefits 

Benefits exhausted /End of Benefit Year/Inactive claim 

The claim has completed due to one of the following reasons: 

  • the full balance being paid, or  
  • the benefit year ending, or  
  • inactive and needs to be reopened, or  
  • an additional claim has been filed. 


Screenshot of example step indicator with a step in progress: 1) File claim and these incomplete steps: 2) Earnings review 3) Claim in review 4) Decision made 5) End of benefits

Screenshot of example step indicator with five completed steps: 1) Claim filed 2) Earnings reviewed 3)Claim reviewed 4) Decision made 5) Benefits exhausted

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