Programmatic performance data is important to better understand the workforce system operations. DINAP invites you to learn more about our tribal programs, services, and outcomes. Access the dashboard for ETA-9173 national and grantee level data for the WIOA Section 166 INA’s Comprehensive Services Program and Supplemental Youth Services Program. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires Indian and Native American (INA) Programs to submit programmatic performance data to the Department of Labor on a quarterly basis through the ETA-9173 (OMB Control Number 1205-0521) reporting template.
DINAP WIOA Performance Results

Click the thumbnail above or this link to view the latest Grant Performance Report for INA Programs. Users can use this report to download the full data set and use tabs to switch between the Adult and Youth data, which can be filtered or sorted by Report Quarter End Date, Performance State, and Tribe.