Registered Apprenticeship National Results
Fiscal Year 2013 (10/01/2012 to 9/30/2013)

Registered Apprenticeship programs are sponsored and operated on a voluntary basis by individual employers, employer associations, or jointly through labor/management agreements. Programs are enhanced through strategic partnerships consisting of community-based organizations, educational institutions, the workforce system, and other stakeholders. Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors develop a set of structured standards that include requirements for related (classroom) instruction and paid on-the-job learning with appropriate supervision. Sponsors then register their program standards and apprentices with the Office of Apprenticeship (OA) or a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) recognized by the Department. Through apprenticeship agreements, sponsors and apprentices agree to the requirements of the registered program. At the successful completion of the on-the-job and instructional learning, apprentices receive an industry-issued, nationally recognized portable certificate of completion.

Apprentices and Participation Trends
  • In FY 2013, more than 164,000 individuals nationwide entered the apprenticeship system.
  • Nationwide, there are over 375,000 apprentices currently obtaining the skills they need to succeed while earning the wages they need to build financial security.
  • In FY 2013, over 52,000 participants graduated from the apprenticeship system.
Apprenticeship Sponsors and Trends
  • There are over 19,000 registered apprenticeship programs across the nation.
  • In FY 2012, 1,500 new apprenticeship programs were established nationwide.
National Apprenticeship Data

Active Completers


Active Apprentices


Active Program Map

              National Registered Apprenticeship Results*
Fiscal Year Active Apprentices New Apprentices Total Completers Active Programs New Programs
2002 469,238 139,090 52,148 31,858 3,053
2003 488,927 134,343 58,816 32,196 3,346
2004 405,269 140,052 63,037 27,802 4,590
2005 409,040 151,632 56,849 28,810 3,448
2006 449,897 188,006 58,109 29,278 3,196
2007 451,056 192,128 52,109 27,976 3,271
2008 432,323 112,582 35,015 24,284 1,524
2009 408,383 87,057 47,054 26,621 1,456
2010 376,789 79,666 46,294 25,960 1,807
2011 336,265 93,560 49,993 24,966 1,409
2012 285,041 104,332 53,083 21,278 1,750
2013 287,750 113,745 44,348 19,430 1,540
          * Does not include the US Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP)
United Service Military Apprenticeship Program Data

The United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP) is a formal military training program that provides active duty Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps service members the opportunity to improve their job skills and to complete their civilian apprenticeship requirements while they are on active duty. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) provides the nationally recognized "Certificate of Completion" upon program completion.


USMAP: Active and New Apprentices

              United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP)
Item FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013
New Apprentices 20,200 23,650 30,323 36,831 43,155 51,001
Active Apprentices 51,645 58,652 69,870 62,404 73,748 87,675
Active Male 44,536 50,133 58,960 51,459 60,671 70,690
Active Female 7,109 8,519 10,910 10,945 13,077 16,985
Total Completers 2,820 3,439 4,918 5,185 6,700 8,194
State Apprenticeship Data

Apprenticeship Completers 2013


Active During Apprentices 2013


New Apprentices Map 2013


Active During Programs 2013

            Fiscal Year 2013 State Totals
State Active During Apprentices Active During Programs New Apprentices New Programs Completers
Alabama 4,449 101 1,174 9 609
Alaska 2,918 361 757 39 255
Arizona 4,555 105 1,163 2 501
Arkansas 4,962 92 1,508 3 455
California 49,910 228 13,987 6 4,468
Colorado 6,129 248 2,209 6 678
Connecticut 10,459 6,247 1,379
District of Colombia 282 224 200
Delaware 1,196 322 309 28 51
Florida 11,853 251 3,591 8 1,306
Georgia 6,265 202 1,209 3 548
Guam 841 99 199 8 31
Hawaii 8,300 81 1,398 635
Idaho 1,230 181 399 9 141
Illinois 13,643 555 2,979 14 2,289
Indiana 18,823 839 6,012 48 2,884
Iowa 8,173 662 3,044 98 1,324
Kansas 1,970 291 381 6 176
Kentucky 2,735 149 680 8 237
Louisiana 5,010 55 1,500 391
Maine 995 195 329 10 135
Maryland 8,864 490 1,533 5 212
Massachusetts 10,086 1,606 4,560 191 1,689
Michigan 11,307 1,101 2,989 87 990
Minnesota 9,440 294 3,432 288
Mississippi 2,079 99 747 17 204
Missouri 14,501 509 5,263 15 2,326
Nebraska 3,268 89 1,503 3 339
Nevada 4,159 95 887 1 325
New Hampshire 2,316 414 558 21 333
New Jersey 8,772 1,819 1,836 35 1,067
New Mexico 1,980 61 463 182
New York 17,871 730 2,473 32 1,577
North Carolina 5,737 558 2,246 87 986
North Dakota 1,451 79 539 4 134
Ohio 16,340 928 4,689 20 1,459
Oklahoma 2,349 124 691 4 301
Oregon 7,596 170 2,472 1,218
Pennsylvania 14,569 873 3,667 64 1,890
Rhode Island 481 462 40 235
South Carolina 6,412 619 2,040 68 969
South Dakota 1,187 88 360 7 140
Tennessee 6,103 335 1,349 8 466
Texas 15,591 430 4,897 21 1,241
Utah 3,953 352 982 15 466
Vermont 990 343 248 86 69
Virginia 16,617 2,513 2,988 245 2,201
Washington 13,112 306 3,329 14 1,364
West Virginia 4,918 587 1,310 18 480
Wisconsin 11,127 1,047 3,573 113 1,296
Wyoming 486 88 195 9 59

DATA NOTE: US DOL's Office of Apprenticeship uses a combination of individual records and aggregate state reports to calculate national totals as depicted on this webpage. The Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Management Data System (RAPIDS) captures individual record data from 25 Office of Apprenticeship (OA) states and 8 of the 25 State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) states. For SAA states that manage their data outside of RAPIDS, information is provided in the aggregate to US DOL on a quarterly basis.

Federal Apprenticeship Data

The Federal data below is a summary of the data managed by Department of Labor staff in the 25 OA states and federally administered programs in SAA states.

Federal Apprenticeship Data 2013

Federal Data: New and Active Apprentices 2013

            Federal Data
Item FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013
New Apprentices 83,017 64,690 53,233 57,809 62,167 67,195
Active Apprentices 204,160 191,806 174,536 161,935 152,543 150,170
New Programs 1,145 1,072 940 801 898 590
Active Programs 12,146 11,915 11,404 10,223 10,166 9,539
Program Completers 37,466 29,054 29,393 29,957 29,284 26,141


Top 10 Occupations for Fiscal Year 2013

Occupation Title

Active Apprentices







Pipe Fitter


Construction Craft Laborer


Sheet Metal Worker




Structural Steel/Ironworker




Pipe Fitter (Sprinkler Fitter)


Registered Apprenticeship has over 1,000 apprenticeable occupations across a variety of fields, but we're quite proud of our traditionally strong showing in the construction industry. Here are our Top 10 Occupations for the previous fiscal year, almost all of which are available in both Green industries and growing industries.

Data Definitions
New Apprentices: Apprentices registered during the period (The begin date, not the registration date is used).
New Programs: Programs registered during the period.
Active Apprentices: include registered (RE), suspended (SU), and reinstated (RI) apprentices.
Active Programs: includes registered (RE) and reinstated (RI) programs.
Active During Apprentice/Program: active during the period (active at begin of period + newly registered during this period based on begin date).
Active Apprentices/Programs at EOP: Active at the end of period (active at BOP + new during period - completed/cancelled during period).
Completers: Apprentices that have completed during the period.