Registered Apprenticeship National Results

Fiscal Year 2012 (10/01/2011 to 9/30/2012)

Registered Apprenticeship programs are developed and enhanced through strategic partnerships consisting of Office of Apprenticeship (OA) or a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA), Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors, community-based organizations, educational institutions, the workforce system, and other stakeholders. These programs are sponsored and operated on a voluntary basis by individual employers, employer associations, or jointly through labor/management agreements.

Apprentices and Participation Trends
  • In FY 2012, more than 147,000 individuals nationwide entered the apprenticeship system.
  • Nationwide, there are over 358,000 apprentices currently obtaining the skills they need to succeed while earning the wages they need to build financial security.
  • In FY 2012, over 59,000 participants graduated from the apprenticeship system.
Apprenticeship Sponsors and Trends
  • There are over 21,000 registered apprenticeship programs across the nation.
  • In FY 2012, more than 1,700 new apprenticeship programs were established nationwide.

Active Programs


Active Apprentices


Active Apprentices Map

              National Registered Apprenticeship Results*
Fiscal Year Active Apprentices New Apprentices Total Completers Active Programs New Programs
2002 469,238 139,090 52,148 31,858 3,053
2003 488,927 134,343 58,816 32,196 3,346
2004 405,269 140,052 63,037 27,802 4,590
2005 409,040 151,632 56,849 28,810 3,448
2006 449,897 188,006 58,109 29,278 3,196
2007 451,056 192,128 52,109 27,976 3,271
2008 432,323 112,582 35,015 24,284 1,524
2009 408,383 87,057 47,054 26,621 1,456
2010 376,789 79,666 46,294 25,960 1,807
2011 336,265 93,560 49,993 24,966 1,409
2012 285,041 104,332 53,083 21,278 1,750
          * Totals do not include USMAP data

              United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP)
Item FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012
New Apprentices 20,200 23,650 30,323 36,831 43,155
Active Apprentices 51,645 58,652 69,870 62,404 73,748
Active Male 44,536 50,133 58,960 51,459 60,671
Active Female 7,109 8,519 10,910 10,945 13,077
Total Completers 2,820 3,439 4,918 5,185 6,700

The United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP) is a formal military training program that provides active duty Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps service members the opportunity to improve their job skills and to complete their civilian apprenticeship requirements while they are on active duty. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) provides the nationally recognized "Certificate of Completion" upon program completion.


New Apprentices Map


New Apprentices Map


New Apprentices Map


New Apprentices Map

            Fiscal Year 2012 State Totals
State Active During Apprentices Active During Programs New Apprentices New Programs Completers
Alabama 5,124 118 1,301 11 723
Alaska 2,988 367 812 38 359
Arizona 4,703 112 1,589 8 627
Arkansas 5,285 118 1,909 6 431
California 49,003 222 12,849 5 4,718
Colorado 6,394 254 1,812 7 862
Connecticut 8,653 1,347 4,363 23 2,358
Delaware 1,264 268 364 161
District of Colombia
Florida 12,137 259 3,094 18 1,700
Georgia 6,639 202 1,338 4 642
Guam 789 99 138 15 47
Hawaii 8,368 83 1,190 1 593
Idaho 1,235 201 292 9 190
Illinois 15,400 561 2,752 23 3,006
Indiana 19,680 867 6,377 31 2,888
Iowa 7,896 616 2,828 138 1,249
Kansas 1,879 300 430 13 203
Kentucky 2,776 161 595 6 367
Louisiana 4,977 55 1,264 494
Maine 953 669 171 46 149
Maryland 9,715 505 2,055 8 692
Massachusetts 7,764 1,337 1,736 112 775
Michigan 11,433 1,184 3,062 75 1,249
Minnesota 8,210 295 2,435 1,139
Mississippi 2,226 129 473 13 317
Missouri 14,700 532 4,305 34 2,617
Montana 994 513 77 30
Nebraska 5,032 108 1,251 5 331
Nevada 4,836 104 656 1 843
New Hampshire 2,347 460 492 22 300
New Jersey 9,236 1,830 1,762 64 1,155
New Mexico 4,565 61 2,486 381
New York 19,368 694 2,709 29 2,420
North Carolina 4,894 543 1,463 54 729
North Dakota 1,230 78 371 5 123
Ohio 15,446 915 4,730 33 1,599
Oklahoma 2,460 126 646 7 377
Oregon 7,450 174 2,159 1,294
Pennsylvania 15,547 933 3,783 54 2,868
Rhode Island 1,741 428 471 52 349
South Carolina 4,791 565 1,703 272 228
South Dakota 1,328 81 424 3 142
Tennessee 6,336 330 1,555 7 633
Texas 14,774 435 3,746 15 1,003
Utah 4,146 377 1,235 12 481
Vermont 959 281 309 35 88
Virginia 17,674 2,750 3,231 365 3,465
Washington 14,925 284 4,370 2,647
West Virginia 5,029 586 1,052 27 539
Wisconsin 10,698 1,066 2,892 92 1,602
Wyoming 457 93 125 7 90

DATA NOTE: US DOL's Office of Apprenticeship uses a combination of individual records and aggregate state reports to calculate national totals as depicted on this webpage. The Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Management Data System (RAPIDS) captures individual record data from 25 Office of Apprenticeship (OA) states and 8 of the 25 State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) states. For SAA states that manage their data outside of RAPIDS, information is provided in the aggregate to US DOL on a quarterly basis.

New Apprentices: Apprentices registered during the period (The begin date, not the registration date is used).
New Programs: Programs registered during the period.
Active Apprentices: include registered (RE), suspended (SU), and reinstated (RI) apprentices.
Active Programs: include registered (RE) and reinstated (RI) programs.
Active During Apprentice/Program: active during the period (active at begin of period + newly registered during this period based on begin date).
Active Apprentices/Programs at EOP: Active at the end of period (active at BOP + new during period - completed/cancelled during period).
Completers: Apprentices that have completed during the period.
Top 10 Occupations for Fiscal Year 2012

Registered Apprenticeship has over 1,000 apprenticeable occupations across a variety of fields, but we're quite proud of our traditionally strong showing in the construction industry. Here are our Top 10 Occupations for the previous fiscal year, almost all of which are available in both Green industries and growing industries.


Top 10 Occupations for Fiscal Year 2012

Occupation Title

Active Apprentices







Pipe Fitter


Construction Craft Laborer


Sheet Metal Worker




Structural Steel/Ironworker




Pipe Fitter (Sprinkler Fitter)



DATA NOTE: The data in the occupation table above is from 33 states. The Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Management Data System (RAPIDS) is used by 25 Office of Apprenticeship (OA) states and 8 of the 25 State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) states.