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The report documents findings from an implementation study, describing how the Ready to Work (RTW) Partnership grantees’ programs were implemented over the full term of the grants, the institutional benefits the grantees anticipated would be sustained after the grants ended, and lessons for current workforce programs. Future reports, to be released in 2021 and 2022, will examine the impact of the four RTW programs on participants’ education and employment outcomes. Findings from this implementation study will be important in interpreting those impact results.
COVID-19 has caused hiring freezes and business and institutional closures, which affected disconnected youth’s ability to continue working with service providers to meet employment and education goals and basic needs. In response, and in order to continue supporting youth, providers have adapted their services. To assess these adaptations, Mathematica and its subcontractor, Social Policy Research Associates, conducted a supplemental study as part of the National Evaluation of the Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth (P3).
The Consolidated Appropriation Act of 2014 authorized the Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth (P3), which provided awarded pilots the flexibility to use funding from across multiple Federal discretionary programs to support efforts to improve the systems serving youth and youth’s outcomes. The report assesses the 14 awarded pilots’ implementation of the Federal vision for P3. Findings showed that pilots took a variety of approaches to try to improve youth outcomes, which commonly included new or enhanced services.
The summary details the research activities and highlights key findings from all components of the five-year Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth (P3) evaluation. First, researchers describe the implementation study, and provide an overview of the study’s findings. Then, they describe the evaluation technical assistance activities provided to grantees and their local evaluators and present findings from the synthesis of Cohort 1 pilots’ local evaluation reports. Lastly, they offer brief considerations of how the lessons learned from P3 can inform future efforts.
The brief provides a case study of the Sacramento Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth (P3) pilot. As such, it seeks to understand the context for the pilot and describe the pilot’s approach to supporting homeless youth. First, drawing on current literature, the brief provides an overview of the state of youth homelessness and housing insecurity in Sacramento, along with a review of approaches that may have promise in supporting this population.
In the brief, the Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth (P3) study team has placed pilots’ efforts to sustain systems change along a continuum. At one end of this continuum, two pilots approached P3 as a platform to facilitate systems change in their communities. Next along the continuum is a pilot that had taken initial steps toward systems change by the end of its P3 grant. Next, two pilots reported that through P3 they had strengthened partnerships and broken down silos but that the systems for serving disconnected youth did not experience much change as a result of P3.
In 2018, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) to fund contractor The Urban Institute to design and conduct an evaluation that examines critical policy issues, lessons learned, and challenges states faced administering Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs during the Great Recession that began in 2007 and the economic recovery that followed.
In 2018, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) to fund contractor The Urban Institute to design and conduct an evaluation that examines critical policy issues, lessons learned, and challenges states faced administering Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs during the Great Recession that began in 2007 and the economic recovery that followed. Additionally, the opportunity to study these topics as they relate to the COVID-19 pandemic was incorporated into the study.
The toolkit provides a basic overview of evaluation elements for program management purposes. It also draws from and provides information about other generally accepted and available evaluation resources that may be useful as an entry point for state Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments (RESEA) programs that may not make full use of evaluations in program planning or implementation or that may need additional evaluation reference to expand their evaluation activities.
In 2017, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) to fund contractors Urban Institute, George Washington University, Capital Research Corporation, and the National Association of State Workforce Agencies to conduct an analysis of employer performance measurement approaches required by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).