National Job Corps Study: 20-Year Follow-Up Study Using Tax Data Final Report, Appendices A and B

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Release Date: February 01, 2019

National Job Corps Study: 20-Year Follow-Up Study Using Tax Data Final Report, Appendices A and B

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Appendices to the National Job Corps Study: 20-Year Follow-Up Study Using Tax Data Final Report. Appendix A presents additional tables of impact results referenced in the main report. Appendix B presents additional details on the tax data, the construction of outcome variables, and analytic methods used to estimate the impacts and interpret them.

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Schochet, P. (2018). Mathematica. National Job Corps Study: 20-Year Follow-Up Study Using Tax Data: Appendices A and B. Chief Evaluation Office, U.S. Department of Labor.

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The Department of Labor’s (DOL) Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) sponsors independent evaluations and research, primarily conducted by external, third-party contractors in accordance with the Department of Labor Evaluation Policy and CEO’s research development process.