Catalog of Data Sources on New Americans – Data Catalog

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Release Date: May 10, 2024

Catalog of Data Sources on New Americans – Data Catalog

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About the Data Catalog

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The Bridging the Gap for New Americans Act, Pub. L. No. 117–210, enacted in October 2022, required the Department of Labor (DOL) to conduct a study about New Americans, defined as lawfully present immigrants and refugees admitted to the United States during the 5-year period prior to the law (October 2017– October 2022) with occupational and professional credentials and academic degrees obtained outside the United States. In 2023, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and commissioned contractor Westat Insight to conduct a study that is responsive to the Act by identifying the New American population’s employment patterns, education, and training as well as the strategies that may help ease their transition into employment by leveraging their existing skills, experience, training, and knowledge.

As part of the Bridging the Gap for New Americans Study, the Westat Insight study team developed a data catalog that provides a list of public-use and restricted-use national data sources that could be used to conduct analyses related to New Americans as of July 2023. The catalog includes federal, state, and local data and national and local nongovernmental organization data, as well as documents each sources’ coverage, accessibility, availability of information, strengths, and limitations.

To capture the most frequently used and relevant data sources, the study team scanned literature, performed internet searches, and reviewed websites of government agencies that conduct surveys. The team also included agencies that had potentially useful program data. The catalog focuses on national datasets, as the study's research questions focused on national trends. The sub-national data sources (state, local, and nongovernmental organization data) were included if they appeared in topical internet searches or were referenced in literature. The study team did not attempt to create a comprehensive list of local data.

The information on data sources in the catalog is up to date as of July 2023. Many data sources listed in the catalog are regularly updated, and more recent versions may be available. Additionally, the variables included in these sources may change from year to year and updates to the data will not be included in this data catalog. The information included in the catalog are assumptions based on publicly available information such as code books or published reports that use the data.

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Catalog General Information

Reference Period10/17-12/23
CEO TopicData, Methods, and Tools
Employment and Training
DOL Partner AgencyETA
PopulationsAdult Workers
Immigrants/Refugees/Foreign Born
Unit(s) of ObservationsData Source
Research MethodLiterature Review


File Specific Information

List of Data files (and for each provide the following):Catalog of Employment and Training Programs Serving New Americans
Size (mb)76 KB
Format(s) [SAS, Stata, etc.]Excel
Number of Variables76
Number of Observations32



Muz, B., Korkm z, G., Nguyen, J., Hyra, A. (2024). Westat. Catalog of Data Sources on New Americans. Chief Evaluation Office, U.S. Department of Labor.

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The Department of Labor’s (DOL) Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) sponsors independent evaluations and research, primarily conducted by external, third-party contractors in accordance with the Department of Labor Evaluation Policy and CEO’s research development process.