From this page, you can search for and view reports filed by unions, union officers and employees, employers, and labor relations consultants for the year 2000 and after. For help navigating the Online Public Disclosure Room, please contact OLMS at 202-693-0123 or
Please also view the OLMS Online Public Disclosure Room demo.
View Reports and Constitutions and Bylaws Filed by Unions
- Union Search
Find Form LM-1 Information Reports; Forms LM-2, LM-3, LM-4, and simplified Labor Organization Annual Financial Reports; and union constitutions and bylaws.- Payer/Payee Search
Find information about labor union payers and payees and generate user-defined reports. - Officer/Employee Search
Find information about labor union officers and employees and generate user-defined reports. - Download Yearly Data
Download raw data in pipe delimited format of union financial information.
- Payer/Payee Search
- Labor Organization Officer and Employee Reports
Find Form LM-30 reports detailing actual or potential conflicts of interest between the financial interests of union officers and employees and their unions. - Trusteeship Reports
Find Forms LM-15, 15A, and 16 reports concerning trusteeships imposed by parent unions on their subordinate unions. - Additional Information: Forms LM-1, LM-2, LM-3, and LM-4 Labor Organization Annual Reports, Trusteeship Reports, and Form LM-30.
View Reports Filed by Employers and Labor Relations Consultants, including "Persuader" Reports and "Information-Supplying"
- Online Persuader Reports Search
To perform a quick search for reports filed by an employer or consultant name. - LM-10 Employer Reports
Reports filed by employers concerning, among other areas, their hiring third-party labor relations consultants to supply them with information concerning their workers or persuade them concerning their union organizing rights. - LM-20 Agreement and Activities Reports
Reports filed by third-party labor relations consultants hired by employers to supply them with information concerning their workers or persuade them concerning their union organizing rights. - LM-21 Receipts and Disbursements Reports
Annual financial disclosure reports filed by labor relations consultants. - Advanced Search by Employer or Consultant Name
- Additional Information: Forms LM-10, LM-20, and LM-21
Collective Bargaining Agreements
- View/Submit Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) established between employers and labor organizations.
Order Copies of Surety Company Reports
- For copies of Form S-1 Surety Reports, which disclose among other things disbursements to labor unions for losses, please email OLMS at or call OLMS at 202-693-0123.
Last Updated: 3-03-25