Invisible Warriors

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African-American Women in WWII

group of professional women historic

In honor of Black History Month, the Women's Bureau will host a screening of "Invisible Warriors," a documentary by historian and retired professor Gregory Cooke about the 600,000 African-American women who worked at factories and shipyards during World War II, but whose contributions were largely unrecognized. A fireside chat with the filmmaker will follow the screening.

Date and Time
Event Location

Register here (password: Welcome!24)

Compliance Assistance for Construction Contractors

Submitted by Dinh.Truocmai@… on

The OFCCP Portland Office invites you to attend a WebEx event. This webinar should help federal construction contractors determine what preparations they may need to undertake to prepare for a construction compliance review. The compliance assistance event should generally help construction federal contractors build their knowledge about compliance, as well as support long-term voluntary contractor compliance and potentially reduce the cost of compliance.

For more information, contact Compliance Officer Kim Nguyen by e-mail at or Compliance Officer Ben Van Vleet by e-mail at

This event requires registration through WebEx. To register click here

After you register, you will receive a confirmation email message with Instructions on how to join the event.

Date and Time
Event Location

OFCCP: Compliance Assistance for Construction Contractors

Submitted by Dinh.Truocmai@… on

The OFCCP Portland Office invites you to attend a WebEx event. This webinar should help federal construction contractors determine what preparations they may need to undertake to prepare for a construction compliance review. The compliance assistance event should generally help construction federal contractors build their knowledge about compliance, as well as support long-term voluntary contractor compliance and potentially reduce the cost of compliance.

For more information, contact Compliance Officer Kim Nguyen by e-mail at or Compliance Officer Ben Van Vleet by e-mail at

This event requires registration through WebEx. To register click here

After you register, you will receive a confirmation email message with Instructions on how to join the event.

Date and Time
Event Location

LinkedIn Job Search for Military Spouses

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All classes are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

LinkedIn Job Search - This two-hour workshop offers insider knowledge to utilize LinkedIn’s job search features. Participants learn how to set job alerts, connect with new people, join groups, and follow organizations to grow their networks. This workshop also shares a rare sneak peek into the recruiter’s view on LinkedIn providing invaluable insight into LinkedIn job searches.

Sign up for this class before March 24, 2022

Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional workshops and times.

Date and Time
Event Location


LinkedIn Job Search for Military Spouses

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All classes are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

LinkedIn Job Search - This two-hour workshop offers insider knowledge to utilize LinkedIn’s job search features. Participants learn how to set job alerts, connect with new people, join groups, and follow organizations to grow their networks. This workshop also shares a rare sneak peek into the recruiter’s view on LinkedIn providing invaluable insight into LinkedIn job searches.

Sign up for this class before March 10, 2022

Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional workshops and times.

Date and Time
Event Location


Salary Negotiations for Military Spouses

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All workshops are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

Salary Negotiations - This two-hour workshop explains basic knowledge for salary, compensation, job offers and negotiation skills. Included exercises and resources will help you understand your worth to your next employer.

Sign up for this class before March 24, 2022

Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional workshops and times.

Date and Time
Event Location


Salary Negotiations for Military Spouses

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All workshops are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

Salary Negotiations - This two-hour workshop explains basic knowledge for salary, compensation, job offers and negotiation skills. Included exercises and resources will help you understand your worth to your next employer.

Sign up for this class before March 11, 2022

Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional workshops and times.

Date and Time
Event Location


Interview Skills for Military Spouses

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All workshops are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

Interview Skills - Preparation is key for a great job interview. This two-hour workshop provides tips and coaching for job interviews and handling those hard-to-answer questions.

Sign up for this class before March 23, 2022

Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional classes and times.

Date and Time
Event Location


Interview Skills for Military Spouses

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All workshops are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

Interview Skills - Preparation is key for a great job interview. This two-hour workshop provides tips and coaching for job interviews and handling those hard-to-answer questions.

Sign up for this class before March 10, 2022

Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional classes and times.

Date and Time
Event Location


LinkedIn Profiles for Military Spouses

Submitted by Rousey.Rebecca… on

The Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses (TEAMS) workshops are focused on helping military spouses plan and prepare for their job search. All workshops are free and open to all transitioning military spouses as they pursue their own future employment goals.

LinkedIn Profiles - This two-hour workshop walks participants through building their LinkedIn profiles. Participants learn how to create a profile that markets their professional brand, uses keywords to attract recruiters, and utilizes LinkedIn for skill endorsements and recommendations from their networks. This workshop is a prerequisite for the LinkedIn Job Search workshop.

Sign up for this class before March 21, 2022

Note: time is in Eastern Time (ET)

Space is limited. Visit : Military Spouse Events Page (TEAMS)  for additional workshops and times.

Date and Time
Event Location


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