
Indian and Native American Joint National Training Conference, April 22-26, 1996, Providence, Rhode Island


To provide grantees with the opportunity to provide input on the nture and content of the subject conference.


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References: None. Background: a. This is the third consecutive year that the Department of Labor and the National Indian and Native American Employment and Training Conference have jointly sponsored an annual all-grantee technical assistance and training conference. The next such conference will be held in Providence, Rhode Island, April 22-26, 1996. This bulletin is being issued to all section 401 grantees to solicit input on the content of technical assistance to be offered at the conference. b. In an attempt to involve grantee staff in the planning process for this conference, it is the wish of the new NINAETC Executive Committee that the new committees and subcommittees planning the Providence conference be comprised of dedicated volunteers. Grantees are encouraged to sign up for one or more of the committees outlined in Attachment 2. Current volunteers for the redefined committees and subcommittees are also listed in Attachment 2. Grantees having questions about the activities involved in any given area should contact the committee chair or co-chair for more information. c. The third issue to be addressed in this bulletin concerns the establishment of a lasting tribute to Ms. Alice Bigpond Roach. At the planning meeting held in Providence on July 19-20, it was decided that the awards luncheon which Ms. Roach almost single-handedly brought into existence be renamed the "Alice Bigpond Roach Awards Luncheon" in her honor. It was further decided that an award and/or? endowment be created in her honor, similar to the one currently honoring Howard Yackus. However, there were differences of opinion at that meeting as to the type of people who should be eligible for that award, and what form that award should take. Because so many people who were close to Ms. Roach were not represented in Providence, it was decided that all grantees should have the opportunity to comment in this area also, before any decisions are finalized. Action Required. Grantees desiring to have further input on the nature and content of the Providence conference should complete Attachment 1 and submit it to Teresa Johnson by December 31. Grantees willing to volunteer staff for one or more of the committees/subcommittees should complete Attachment 2 and return it to the appropriate committee chair or co-chair as soon as possible. Comments on the nature of the award honoring the memory of Ms. Roach should also be sent directly to Teresa Johnson at the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma. Questions. Questions should be addressed directly to Ms. Teresa Johnson, NINAETC Executive Secretary, at (405) 436-2603 ex. 360, or to Greg Gross, DINAP, at (202) 219-7509.


All Indian and Native American Grantees


THOMAS M. DOWD PAUL A. MAYRAND Chief Director Division of Indian and Office of Special Targeted Native American Programs Programs

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Attachment 1 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND TRAINING PREFERENCES Providence Conference - April 22-26, 1996 FROM THE BISMARCK CONFERENCE: (1) Did you like the mix of workshops and seminars? (2) Did you like being trained with other staff who performed similar functions? (3) Did you like staying in the same room for the seminars? (4) Did you benefit from any one-on-one interaction with your Fed. Rep.? (5) Did you attend any computerized or computer-based training? Did you find it useful? (6) Did you like the General Assemblies? Do you think they were too short? Too long? About right? (7) Should there have been a General Assembly session every day? If yes, why? If no, why not? (8) Was the subject matter covered in the General Assembly sessions appropriate to an all-grantee gathering? (9) What was the most positive training aspect of the Bismarck conference? (10) What part of the training provided at the Bismarck conference needs the most improvement? FOR THE PROVIDENCE CONFERENCE: (1) Do you think the current mix of workshops and seminars is: (a) about right?; (b) more seminars?; (c) more workshops?; (d) less of both, more one-on-one sessions? (2) In Providence, would you prefer to: (a) be assigned to a training group based on your job?; (b) be assigned to a training group based on geographic area (like Alaska or Regions)?; (c) be assigned to a training group based on the size/type of your grantee organization?; (d) be free to pick your own group based on some other criteria?; (e) not be assigned to a specific training group, but free to attend seminars and workshops at will? (3) Do you need more training in the area of electronic communications, e.g. E-Mail, Sprintmail, etc.? (4) What type of "hands on" training exercises do you need, e.g., how to complete a BIS or PPS form, etc.? (5) Do you have a need for computerized training or training in specific software systems? If so, what type of training and/or what systems? (6) Would you like to see less time devoted to General Assemblies and more time devoted to workshops, seminars, or one-on-one TAT sessions? (7) Would you like to see more issues/subjects covered in General Assembly sessions so that all grantees get "the same word"? (8) What subject areas do you feel should be covered in Providence? How should they be covered? (e.g., seminars, workshops, one-on-one sessions, General Assemblies, etc.)? (9) Please prioritize the subject areas you chose in order of importance: Priority 1 _______________________________________ Priority 2 _______________________________________ Priority 3 _______________________________________ Priority 4 _______________________________________ Priority 5 _______________________________________ Attachment 2 EVENTS SUB-COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES: Arrange and Plan the "Alice Bigpond Roach" Awards Luncheon and the "Banquet Grand Finale". The Events Sub-Committee's primary responsibility is to plan and arrange the "Alice Bigpond Roach" Awards Luncheon and the "Banquet Grand Finale". This sub-committee shall complete the arrangements that have been made regarding the various types of awards presented by the Conference. In addition, this sub-committee will secure speakers for the luncheon and banquet, as well as meal planning, counts, agendas of events, and solicitation of nominations for awards. This sub-committee will work in conjunction with DINAP in the awards screening/selection process and notification of results to the participating grantees. CO-CHAIRS: NAME ORGANIZATION PHONE Curtis Hicks Creek Nation (918) 756-8700 x.620 Teresa Johnson Chickasaw Nation (405) 436-2603 x.360 SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Phyllis Green Baltimore AIC (301) 749-4100 Wes Frances Central Maine (207) 989-5971 Dean Ferguson Cherokee Nation (918) 456-0671 Greg Gross et al. DINAP (202) 219-7509 Jeff Foster Four Tribes Consortium (405) 247-9711 T.J. McReynolds Eight Northern Pueblos (505) 852-4265 Roselyn Shirley Navajo Nation (520) 871-7416 PROCEDURES SUB-COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES: Elections, Site Selections, Resolution Process The Procedures Sub-Committee will be responsible for the election, site selection, and the resolution process. The duties of this sub-committee will include: to ensure the proper application of the election procedures for officers and site selection bids; to resolve disputes related to the election process; to type and copy all resolutions submitted for presentation, and; voting policies at designated times and places. CO-CHAIRS: NAME ORGANIZATION PHONE Rudy Meza CIMC (916) 920-0285 Charlene Keller CIMC (916) 920-0285 Karen Thorne Phoenix Indian Center (602) 263-1017 (602) 263-7822 (FAX) SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Dean Ferguson Cherokee Nation (918) 456-0671 Christine Noah Caddo Tribe (405) 656-2812 T.J. McReynolds Eight Northern Pueblos (505) 852-4265 FINANCE SUB-COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES: Fund Raising, Raffle, Souvenir Items, Displays, and Vendor Exhibits This sub-committee is responsible for fund-raising. This may include but is not limited to soliciting corporate sponsors, handling the Conference Raffle, and developing other fund raining items such as T-shirts, hats, mugs, etc. The sub-committee's fund raising goal will be established by the NINAETC Executive Committee in conjunction with the objectives of the Conference budget. CO-CHAIRS: NAME ORGANIZATION PHONE Michele Leonard UAIDV (Philadelphia) (215) 574-9020 Kathy Noyes NAIA of Tennessee (615) 726-0806 1-800-524-6242 SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chris Ortiz Rhode Island Ind. Cncl. (401) 521-2410 Margie Hunt Baltimore AIC (410) 675-3535 Darrell Waldron Rhode Island Ind. Cncl. (401) 521-2410 (ex officio) Paul Imotichey NAIA of Tennessee (615) 726-0806 PUBLICATION SUB-COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES: Conference Program The Publications Sub-Committee's task is to develop and produce the Conference program booklet. This sub-committee will assist in the selection of the conference logo, sell conference booklet advertisements, prepare the layout, select the printer, and produce the Conference program booklet. CO-CHAIRS: NAME ORGANIZATION PHONE Lorenda Sanchez CIMC 1-800-640-CIMC Sally Tuttle Indiana AIMC 1-800-745-5872 SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Darrell Waldron Rhode Island Ind. Cncl. (401) 521-2410 RIIC Board TRAINING SUB-COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES: To provide Training and Technical Assistance at the NINAET Conference, to conduct the Evaluation of the Conference, and to Coordinate Meeting Room Facilities. This sub-committee is responsible for planning and arranging for all Training and Technical Assistance at the Conference. It makes arrangements for all required meeting rooms and equipment needed to carry out the training. The sub-committee will arrange for an evaluation of the Conference and complete a report on that evaluation. CO-CHAIRS: NAME ORGANIZATION PHONE Linda Cruz CIMC (916) 920-0285 John Hassan Cncl. of Three Rivers (412) 782-4457 SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Ken Martinez Dallas Inter-Tribal (214) 941-1050 Carolyn Greenwood NAIA of Tennessee (615) 726-0806 Tom Dowd DINAP (202) 219-8502 Mesheila Lynch Baltimore AIC (410) 675-3535 Gary Rickard CIMC (916) 920-0285 Dean Brasgalla Leech Lake Tribal Cncl. (218) 335-8251 Norm DeWeaver NINAETC (202) 342-0594 HOST SUB-COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES: Registration and Public Relations (NO OUTLINE AVAILABLE) CO-CHAIRS: NAME ORGANIZATION PHONE Lucille Hazard Rhode Island Ind. Cncl. (401) 331-4410 Janice Falcone NAIC of Boston (617) 227-4804 Lorenda Sanchez CIMC 1-800-640-2462 SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Darrell Waldron Rhode Island Ind. Cncl. (401) 521-2410 Chris Ortiz Rhode Island Ind. Cncl. (401) 521-2410 Terry Polchies Central Maine Ind. Assn. (207) 989-5971 Jim Peters Mashpee-Wampanoag ITC (508) 477-0208 HOSPITALITY SUB-COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES: Social Activities (NO OUTLINE AVAILABLE) CO-CHAIRS: NAME ORGANIZATION PHONE Hiawatha Brown Kenny Attocknie NAIC of Boston (617) 277-4804 SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Terry Polchies Central Maine Ind. Assn. (207) 989-5971 Chris Ortiz Rhode Island Ind. Cncl. (401) 521-2410 Michele Leonard UAIDV (Philadelphia) (215) 574-9020 Phil Chavis Attachment 3 Recommendations for Alice Roach Memorial Award (1) Why should this award be given? (a) Outstanding participation? (b) Exceptional service to clients? (c) Innovative leveraging/linkages with other employers or service providers? (d) Providing employment/training opportunities to Native Americans? (e) Other reason? ____________________________________ (2) Who should receive this award? (a) Participants? (b) Front-line Staff (i.e., works directly with clients/participants)? (c) JTPA Directors? (d) Employers? (e) Others? ________________________________________ (3) What kind of an award should it be? (a) Cash or check (money)? (b) Certificate or plaque? (c) Scholarship or endowment? (d) Other? _________________________________________

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Minimum Weekly Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Benefit Amount: Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 1996.


To transmit the subject computation for State Employment Security Agency (SESA) usage in computing minimum weekly DUA amounts for all major disasters declared during the first quarter of FY 1997.


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Average Weekly Benefit Amount (AWBA) Utilization: On May 11, 1995, the Department published an interim final rule in the Federal Register (60 FR 25560), which amended Section 625.6 effective for all major disasters declared on and after that date. Among the changes, the amendments provide that the minimum weekly DUA amount will be 50 percent of the AWBA paid in the State for regular compensation, unless workers are customarily or routinely employed less than full-time prior to their unemployment due to the disaster. The attached listing sets forth the 50 percent of AWBA computation applicable for major disasters declared during the first quarter of FY 1997, from October 1 through December 31, 1996. Action Required: SESA Administrators are requested to provide this information to appropriate staff and insure that the correct AWBA is utilized in determining the weekly DUA amount.


All State Employment Security Agencies


Mary Ann Wyrsch Director for Unemployment Insurance Service

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Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

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Minimum Weekly Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Benefit Amount: Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 1996.

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Technical Assistance and Training Funding for Program Year 996 (July 1, 1996 - June 30, 1997)


To provide grantees with the opportunity to express their opinions and concerns related to funding technical assistance and training (TAT) efforts for PY 1996.


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References: None. Background: The Department of Labor (DOL) is requesting comments on options for funding PY 1996 technical assistance and training (TAT) for Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) section 401 grantees. The current section 401 program regulations at 20 CFR 632.171(b) give the Department authority to reserve up to one percent (1%) of the title IV-A allocation for TAT purposes. Because this option has never been exercised, it is the desire of the Department and Native American Employment and Training Council (hereafter referred to as "the Council") to seek broad grantee input on this important issue prior to any decision regarding the use of program funds for TAT purposes. However, a few basic facts should be clearly understood by all grantees prior to informing the Department and the Council of your position on this important issue: a. All grantees will experience another reduction in funding for PY 96. At this time, we can only estimate possible reduced levels based on pending authorization legislation of 8 to 16 percent. b. Grantees affected by the application of 1990 Census data and the hold harmless process will again feel the impact of these reductions for a third year. It should be noted that most grantees in this category have almost reached their final adjusted levels based on the hold harmless process. c. Grantees passed a resolution at the National Employment and Training Conference held in Bismarck, North Dakota in May of 1995 supporting the use of program funds for TAT IF no Departmental TAT funds were available. d. This issue was discussed at the September meeting of the Native American Employment and Training Council, and it was agreed that the Department would seek broad input from all grantees on this important issue prior to any final decision. More importantly, the Department has stated that it will not use program funds for TAT purposes without the consensus support of the section 401 grantees. e. For the past three years, the Department has used most of the TAT funds for reimbursing the travel costs of small grantees to attend the national TAT conference. TAT funds have also been used to produce the New Director's Manual, provide peer-to-peer TAT, fund the Partnership Plan meetings, and pay technical/logistical costs associated with the national conference. f. That any TAT provided from the approved use of program funds be agreed upon in consultation with grantees and the Council. If you support the use of PY 1996 program funds for TAT purposes, please list priority items on the attached response form. Options: It is the strong belief of the Department of Labor and the Council that technical assistance and training (TAT) is crucial to the successful operation of section 401 programs. No PY 1996 TAT funds have been budgeted for this purpose from Sec. 453 of JTPA. However, the Department can set-aside up to one percent (1%) from the title IV-A allocation for PY 1996 and provide TAT through the use of these funds. Because the Department has never before utilized this option and because all grantees are facing absolute program dollar cuts for PY 1996, it is the decision of the Department, in consultation with the Council, to seek grantee input and support for this approach. The Department hereby proposes the following three options for providing TAT for section 401 grantees during PY 1996: a. The first option is for DOL to continue to provide TAT, utilizing a portion of one percent (1%) of PY 1996 program funds as allowed by the regulations. b. The second option is for DOL to provide TAT utilizing a full one percent (1%) of PY 1996 program funds as allowed by the regulations. c. The final option is not to utilize the TAT set-aside authority at all, thus providing NO TAT funding through the Department during PY 1996. This option would mean that section 401 grantees would be responsible for funding their own PY 1996 TAT activities. Action Required. All JTPA section 401 grantees are strongly encouraged to voice their opinions on these options and to submit their opinions in writing to the Department. Because of the requirement to publish preliminary allocation figures for grantee planning purposes in a timely manner, the deadline for receiving these comments is relatively short. Grantees are therefore encouraged to submit their comments NO LATER THAN JANUARY 12, 1996, so that the appropriate decisions and adjustments may be accomplished in a timely manner. Grantees are hereby notified that any reduction of PY 1996 title IV-A allocations for TAT will not decrease the dollar amounts available from allocations for administrative costs. Questions: Questions should be addressed to Mr. Thomas Dowd on (202) 219-8502 or to Greg Gross on (202) 219-7509.


All Indian and Native American Grantees


THOMAS M. DOWD PAUL A. MAYRAND Chief Director Division of Indian and Office of Special Targeted Native American Programs Programs

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TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND TRAINING FUNDING PREFERENCE FOR PY 1996 (Check only ONE item as appropriate) Reserve a portion of one percent (1%) of the PY 1996 annual title IV-A allocation for TAT purposes. Reserve one percent (1%) of the PY 1996 annual title IV-A allocation for TAT purposes. Take NO MONEY from the PY 1996 appropriation for TAT purposes. Grantee Name: Address: Grant Number: Person Submitting (optional): TAT PRIORITY LIST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. RETURN THIS FORM TO: THOMAS DOWD, CHIEF-DINAP, DOL/ETA, ROOM N-4641 (FPB), 200 CONSTITUTION AVE. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20210

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Section 401 Grantee Sprint Mail and Internet Directory


To provide grantees with a directory of grantee Sprint Mail and Internet addresses.


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Reference: None. Background: All programs administered by the Office of Special Targeted Programs are participating in an electronic communication effort through the use of Sprint Mail. Sprint Mail is an electronic mail service system operated by the Sprint Telecommunication Corporation. Electronic mail services are varied and use many different names; however, the generic term for electronic mail is e-mail. The Division of Indian and Native American Programs (DINAP) has been working with its grantee partners for the past 14 months to implement an electronic communication system that enables the entire grantee community to communicate electronically through the use of e-mail. To ensure the involvement of all grantees, DINAP through a special grant with the California Indian Manpower Consortium (CIMC), provided 35 small grantees with computer hardware and several more grantees with modem communication software. Additionally, technical assistance has been provided on-site as well as at regional and national TAT conferences. To date, only a handful of grantees have installed the Sprint Mail software that was mailed to all grantees several months ago. These same grantees have begun communicating electronically with each other and DINAP. However, it is critical for the remaining grantee community to get on-line. Getting on-line means installing the Sprint Mail software and using it. Technical Support Information: The enclosed directory lists each grantee's Sprint Mail user name and Internet address. The following technical information will assist you with using Sprint Mail user names and Internet addresses: 1. You use a Sprint Mail user name to communicate with another Sprint Mail user. For example, when contacting another grantee who is on-line, you simply use their sprint user name which includes a last name followed by a first name initial. For example, Mr. Don Eddy, JTPA Director with the Colorado River Indian Tribes sprint user name is EddyD. In some cases, the user name is listed by city e.g., Flagstaff. In most cases, the use of city user names is preferred to avoid the constant updating of user names caused by personnel changes. 2. You can also contact grantees and DINAP staff by using the Sprint Mail software to send an e-mail message via the Internet. You must use an Internet address when you send an e-mail message to an individual that does not use Sprint Mail software. For example, if you want to contact a person who uses the America On-Line service provider, you would need to use an Internet address e.g., Thomas.Dowd@aol.com. Grantees must use an internet address to contact DINAP team members e.g., ETA.JTP.HallD@doleta.gov. 3. What is meant by being on-line? Simply put, grantees are set up to send and receive e-mail. You will find a column on the far right side of the directory titled on-line. Grantees with a yes signifies they have received and installed their Sprint Mail software. Additionally, they are connected to a phone line that transmits and receives their e-mail messages. They are on-line! Action Required: If you are not on-line, we strongly encourage you to seek assistance and get on-line. If you are on-line, you are encouraged to communicate with other grantees on-line and with your Fed Rep Team. Like all other new tools, this one will also require practice and discipline of use. Please review the directory and inform DINAP of any information changes or updates required. Questions. If you need technical assistance with software installation or have questions about making telephone connec- tions, please contact DINAP's technical support technician, Mr. Earl McLetchie on (202) 219-5504 or Mr. Chris Pata with CIMC on (916) 920-0285. All other questions should be directed to Mr. Thomas Dowd on (202) 219-8502.


All Indian and Native American Grantees


THOMAS M. DOWD PAUL A. MAYRAND Chief Director Division of Indian and Native Office of Special Targeted Programs Programs

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For a copy of the directory, please contact Brenda Tollerson at (202) 219-8502.

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Unemployment Insurance Financial Data for Calendar Year (CY) 1994


To transmit the CY 1994 Supplement to ET Handbook 394, Unemployment Insurance Financial Data.


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Unemployment Insurance Service

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Additional Questions and Answers (Q&As) on the Tax Performance System Revenue Quality Control (RQC) and the Employment and Training (ETA) 581 Report


To provide answers for recent questions about the design and implementation of the Tax Performance System (RQC) and instructions for the revised Form ETA 581 (Contributions Operations).


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Unemployment Insurance Service

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RAL 1-96


Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) Claims Reporting for Furlough Periods.


To distribute guidance on reporting UCFE claims for furlough periods.



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Background: During the November 14 - 19 and December 18 - January 5 furlough periods, States received UCFE claims for furloughed workers. These claims were handled differently in different States and, therefore, reported differently. This directive discusses UCFE claim filing situations that occurred and how States should report data under these varying circumstances for this recent furlough and for any future furlough(s). When Claims are Counted: ETA Handbook 401, Unemployment Insurance Reports Handbook, Section I-2-3, item D.1. requires that claims activity should be counted as of the date it occurs (i.e., when claims are taken), thus, intrastate initial claims and continued weeks claimed are counted during the week the claims are filed. For purposes of this guidance, the words "taken or took" is synonymous with "filed". Interstate liable initial claims and weeks claimed are reported during the week received by the liable State. These instructions, which apply to the ETA 5159, apply equally to the ETA 539 and ETA 538 reports. Therefore, claims should be counted during the week when the claims are filed whether they are filed by mail, taken over the phone, or accepted in person. Due to the quick turnaround required of the ETA 539, the following special provision is provided for that report. ETA Handbook 401 states in Section C. on page I-1-5, "If necessary to meet the due date, any State agency may cut off its report period at noon Friday". State Experience: The following situations were reported to have taken place in the recent furlough with respect to intrastate UCFE claims: State took claims and later canceled them. State received claims but later returned them to claimants with no action. State took claims and some claimants later withdrew their claims. State set up special intake for UCFE claimants on Saturday. State took claims but did not process or count them in the week they were taken but did process and count them in subsequent weeks. States accepted mass claims from Federal Agencies and may have processed those claims or held them. How Counts Should be Made: The following describes how the UCFE claims taken during the furlough period described in item 4. should have been counted. State took claims and later canceled them. If the State considered these claims to be "filed" and then, when the furloughed workers returned to work, the claims were canceled, these claims should be counted since the claims were accepted and work was performed by the State. They should be counted for the week in which they were filed. State received claims but later returned them to claimants with no action. While the State physically received these claims, they were not considered to be "filed" by the State. Therefore, these claims should not have been reported. If they were reported, they should be removed from the claims count and a revised report submitted for the week in which they were reported. State took claims and some claimants later withdrew their claims. If the State considered these claims to be "filed", the claims would be counted as of the date during the week they were taken even though the claim was later withdrawn. State set up special intake for UCFE claimants on Saturday. Claims were taken in accordance with State law. The special timing provisions of the ETA 539 (see item 3 above) allows, but does not require, a State's reporting week to run from noon on Friday through noon the following Friday. If a State uses this alternate week pattern, then claims filed on Saturday may be attributed to and reported for the following week. State took claims but did not process or count them in the week they were taken but did process and count them in subsequent weeks. As stated in 3. above, claims are counted during the week they are taken. If the large intake of claims were not processed until a different week from the one in which the claims were taken, then the claims counts should be adjusted to reflect the week in which the claims were taken. States accepted mass claims from Federal Agencies and may have processed those claims or held them. Some furloughed claimants were told to return claims forms to their Federal agencies. If the Federal agency sent these forms to States, then these claims would be either counted or not counted depending on which of the above procedures the State utilized in handling those claims. Under this procedure, the Federal agency, in effect, acted as an agent for the State. Therefore, all claims considered "filed" by the State should be reported during the week the claimant submitted the forms to the Federal agency. Action Required: States should review how UCFE claims were handled and the workload reported or not reported during the recent furlough and, if necessary: Make adjustments in counts already provided to the National Office; Set procedures in place so that claims counts will be reported properly in the event another furlough occurs. Questions: Address questions to the appropriate Regional Office.


All State Employement Security Agencies


Barbara Ann Farmer Administrator for Regional Management

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Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

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UI PERFORMS: A Look at Nonmonetary Performance of State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs)


To advise SESAs of performance reported for nonmonetary determinations activities under Benefits Timeliness and Quality (BTQ)


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References: Employment and Training Administration Handbook 401, and Employment and Training Administration Handbook 301. Background: BTQ measures were detailed in UIPL 10-96. The first reports required were quality evaluations of nonmonetary determinations, submitted for the quarter ending September 30, 1996. Timeliness measures, including nonmonetary determinations timeliness and nonmonetary issue detection timeliness, were required beginning with the month of January 1997. Action Required: Unemployment Insurance directors and administrators are asked to share Attachment A with supervisors, managers and staff who produce and/or evaluate nonmonetary determinations so that it can be used to assist in evaluation of program strengths and weaknesses.


All State Employment Security Agencies


Grace A. Kilbane Director Unemployment Insurance Service

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Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

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June 09, 2022
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Attachment A, entitled UI PERFORMS: A Look at Nonmonetary Determinations, Performance, will be sent to all SESAs under separate cover. For a copy of attachment(s), please contact Deloris Norris of the Office of Regional Management at (202) 219-5585.

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Welfare-to-Work Planning Guidance and Instructions for Annual State Plans for Fiscal Year 1999


To notify States of the revised submission deadline for Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Annual State Plans for Fiscal Year (FY) 1999.


Inquiries on this TEGL should be directed to Stephanie Curtis on (202) 219-0024 ext. 189.

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Authorities and References: Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 3- 98, WtW Planning Guidance and Instructions for Annual State Plans and Planning Allocations for FY 99, dated July 30, 1998. Background: TEGL 3-98 provided States with Planning Guidance and Instructions for Annual State Plans. It specified that the deadline date for states to submit State Plans is March 31, 1999. This TEGL change extends that deadline. New Deadline for Plan Submission: States must submit their FY 99 Annual Plans no later than June 30, 1999. All other guidelines set out in TEGL 3-98 still apply. Action: States should provide this guidance to appropriate staff for the preparation and submission of the FY 99 WtW Annual State Plans.


All State Welfare-to-Work Contacts All State JTPA Liaisons


David Henson Director Office of Regional Management

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No. 3-98, Change 1
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Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE)--Federal Employees Excepted from Furlough (UCFE-Excepted Employees Program).


To advise State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) of the provisions of Section 312 of Title III of P.L. 102-94 (Continuing Resolution) concerning eligibility for UCFE for Federal civilian employees excepted from furlough and to provide instructions for


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References: Title III of P.L. 102-94 (H.R. 1643) enacted January 6, 1996; Subchapter I of chapter 85, title 5 of the United States Code (5 U.S.C. 8501 et seq.) (UCFE law); 20 CFR Part 609 (UCFE regulations); Secretary of Labor's Agreement with States to administer the UCFE and Unemployment Compensation for Ex- servicemembers (UCX) Programs. Background: Generally, whenever there is a lapse in appropriations to fund a Federal government agency, the agency must shut down activities and furlough its employees. However, there are exceptions that permit certain employees to remain working to continue selected functions. This includes those functions which the failure to perform would result in an imminent threat to the safety of human life or the protection of property, or where there is an implied authority by statute that the function should continue. Unless there are special provisions enacted after the furlough which retroactively provide a different outcome, furloughed employees may be eligible for UCFE under subchapter I of chapter 85 of title 5 of the United States Code. However, employees excepted from such furloughs would neither be compensated (because of the lapse in appropriations) nor eligible for UCFE because they perform services during the furlough period and would not be considered unemployed or otherwise eligible for benefits in accordance with State and Federal laws governing the payment of unemployment compensation. Section 312 of P.L. 102-94 changes and suspends some UCFE eligibility requirements, through September 30, 1996, to convey UCFE eligibility to employees excepted from furlough who are not being paid due to a lapse in appropriations. These changes have, in effect, created a sub-program of the regular UCFE program which will be known as the UCFE-Excepted Employees Program (UCFE-EEP). The purpose of the UCFE-EEP is to provide a weekly payment to unpaid workers who are excepted from furlough through September 30, 1996, similar to that paid under the UCFE program to furloughed individuals. To the extent possible these instructions so provide; however, in certain instances provisions have had to be changed or new provisions added in order to provide a weekly benefit amount to individuals not otherwise eligible for UCFE in the absence of Section 312. This document provides the Department's interpretation of the requirements of Section 312 and sets forth operating instructions prescribed by the Department to guide the States in implementing the provisions of the UCFE-EEP. Legal Requirements of Section 312 of P.L. 102-94: Section 312 provides-- ELIGIBILITY FOR UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION: Not with standing any other provisions of law, beginning on January 2, 1996, any Federal employee who is excepted from furlough and is not being paid due to a lapse in appropriations shall be deemed to be totally separated from Federal service and eligible for unemployment compensation benefits under subchapter I of chapter 85 of title 5 of the United States Code with no waiting period for such eligibility to accrue. Section 8502(b) of 5 U.S.C. 8501 et seq., as implemented by 20 CFR 609.9(a) of the Secretary's regulations implementing the UCFE program, relative to State law applicability, provides that-- Except where the result would be inconsistent with the provisions of the Act or this part or the procedures thereunder prescribed by the Department, the terms and conditions of the applicable State law which apply to claims for, and the payment of, State unemployment compensation shall apply to claims for, and the payment of, UCFE and claims for waiting period credit. To effectuate the provisions of Section 312 of P.L. 102-94, it is necessary to differ, in part, from the State and Federal laws normally governing the payment of UCFE. The exceptions to the laws and regulations necessitated by this section are described in section 7. below. Effective Dates: Section 312, the UCFE-EEP provisions, are effective beginning January 2, 1996 and remain in effect through the end of Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 1996 (September 30, 1996). However, it has been determined that only weeks of unemployment beginning on or after January 27, 1996 are compensable under the provisions of Section 312 as the Continuing Resolution provided for retroactive pay for excepted employees from December 16, 1995 through January 6, 1996. The Continuing Resolution which provided funding for Federal agencies that are without FY 1996 appropriations expires on January 26, 1996. In the absence of another Continuing Resolution or FY 1996 appropriations for Federal agencies not funded, the UCFE-EEP will become operational for UCFE-EEP claims filed for a week beginning on or after January 27, 1996 and thereafter as long as such conditions exist, through a week ending on or before September 30, 1996. Policy: The instructions in this document are issued to the States and the cooperating State agencies and constitute controlling guidance provided by the Department of Labor in its role as the principal in the UCFE program. As agents of the United States, the States and the cooperating State agencies may not vary from the operating instructions in this directive (or any subsequent or supplemental operating instructions) without the prior approval of the Department of Labor. The Department's Interpretation of the Requirements of Section 312 of P.L. 102-94 and Controlling Implementation Guidance: The Department's interpretation is that all State and Federal laws and regulations applicable to UCFE claims are applicable to UCFE- EEP claims, except where the result of such application would be inconsistent with the provisions of Section 312 of P.L. 102-94, as described below. Section 312 deems all excepted employees to be totally unemployed with respect to Federal service and eligible for unemployment compensation "under" the UCFE law for as long as such excepted status continues (but not beyond September 30, 1996) without having to serve any waiting week. Thus, even excepted employees having insufficient wages under the State law base period must be determined eligible, as well as excepted employees outside the United States (i.e., outside the States of the United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands). Notwithstanding the requirements governing the determination of entitlement under the UCFE/State UI laws, a weekly benefit amount for UCFE-EEP claimants must be established for all Federal employees excepted from furlough who are not being paid due to a lapse in appropriations and who file such claims. (This includes excepted employees who would otherwise have insufficient base period employment and wages to establish monetary entitlement and excepted employees performing excepted services outside the United States). The weekly benefit amount so determined could potentially be paid through a week ending on or before September 30 1996. Therefore, the State law or Federal law maximum total benefit amount does not apply, since, potentially, an individual could receive UCFE-EEP for a number of weeks that exceed any State's maximum. Monetary entitlement for UCFE-EEP claims must be determined under the qualifying requirements for regular UCFE claims by the State in which the excepted employee's official duty station is located or deemed located for purposes of UCFE-EEP. To effect this requirement, all base period wages covered under any State or Federal law will be used in computing UCFE-EEP entitlement under the State law. The official duty station of an excepted employee who is performing services outside of the United States is deemed to be the State in which the headquarters of the Federal agency is located. Charges resulting from the payment of UCFE-EEP benefits must be charged to the Federal agency that designated the individual filing such claim as a Federal excepted employee. Section 312 of P.L. 102-94 does not apply to weeks of unemployment during which an individual is not in excepted employee status. Therefore, UCFE-EEP benefits are not payable for weeks during which the individual is not in excepted employee status. In order to receive benefits for such weeks, an individual must establish or have a separate claim in existence with a remaining balance under any of the other unemployment programs and meet all the eligibility conditions for the receipt of regular benefits. Section 312 prohibits the application of any State or Federal law requiring availability for work or active work search to UCFE-EEP claims, including weeks claimed during which the excepted employee performed no excepted services because of annual or sick leave. UCFE-EEP benefit eligibility will be determined in accordance with UCFE/UI requirements defining total unemployment and deductible earnings with respect to any services other than excepted Federal service performed by an excepted employee during a week claimed since Section 312 provides only that excepted service is treated as being totally unemployed. The pension deduction provisions of State law applies to benefits payable under the UCFE-EEP. Section 312 prohibits the application of any State or Federal law requiring an unpaid waiting week or period as a condition to receiving compensation for a week claimed by an excepted employee. UCFE-EEP Implementation Instructions Based on the Department's Interpretation of Section 312 of P.L. 102-94: Operating procedures to implement the requirements of Section 312 of P.L. 102-94 as prescribed by the Department are set forth below. UCFE-EEP Claims Filing Procedures: Most excepted employees will be performing full-time excepted services, during the weeks involved in the furlough period. Since most excepted employees will be working during the normal workday, SESAs should utilize methods for filing claims that will allow an excepted employee to remain at his/her job site. If a State agency waives regular reporting provisions with respect to excepted employees, no issue will arise with respect to 20 CFR 609.9. Initial Claims: New: When a UCFE-EEP claim is filed, the State agency will issue a UCFE- EEP monetary determination based on all employment and wages during the base period applicable to the claim, without regard to separate monetary entitlement under any State or Federal law, including UCFE. Monetary Entitlement: Excepted Employee has Sufficient Base Period Wages to Qualify. Monetary entitlement for UCFE-EEP claims will be determined by the State in which the excepted employee's official duty station is located or deemed located, based on all base period employment covered under any State or Federal law to establish the weekly benefit applicable to the UCFE-EEP claim. The Federal agency that designates the individual as an excepted employee has been instructed to furnish the State agency, of the State in which the excepted employee's official duty Station is located or deemed located, with the excepted employee's name, social security number, annual Federal salary, base period employment and wage information, home address, and effective date of excepted designation, within the first week of the Federal agency furlough, in accordance with the format and procedures established with the State agency prior to the beginning of such furlough. In the event of a delay of submittal of required information by such Federal agency or if it is deemed to be more expeditious, the SESA may utilize an affidavit to determine entitlement as outlined in ET Handbook 391, Chapter XIII, page XIII-2. To obtain information pertaining to employment and wages covered under another State's law, the State agency should follow its regular procedures to obtain information pertaining to such wages, including using the Request for Wage Transfer procedures (TC-IB4) (or the Interstate Inquiry, IBIQ, via the ICON). However, if the TC-IB4 is used, such use must not interfere with the processing of a regular claim and the employment and wages must be returned as unused. Excepted Employee has Insufficient Base Period Wages to Qualify: If the excepted employee has insufficient employment and wages in the base period to qualify, the State agency will prorate the individual's annual salary, as reported by the Federal agency that designated the individual as a Federal excepted employee, in terms of quarters or weeks of wages in the base period, as appropriate, and issue a monetary determination, accordingly. In addition, the excepted worker's most recent earnings and leave statement will reflect the excepted employee's annual and weekly salary and may be utilized for the projection utilizing the affidavit procedure. UCFE-EEP Weeks Claimed: When an employee is designated as an excepted employee, even for a portion of a week, such individual shall be determined eligible for UCFE-EEP for the entire week. This includes excepted employees who may be on leave during an entire week or portion thereof. Overpayments: Should an appropriation or continuing resolution occur that retroactively provides for the payment of salary to excepted employees, State and Federal laws governing overpayments will need to be applied to weeks paid under the UCFE-EEP program (20 CFR 609.11). Relationship to Other Programs: Eligibility for UCFE-EEP has no effect on unemployment compensation payable under any other State or Federal law. Benefits under this program are payable only to an excepted employee. If an excepted employee's status changes for any week during the furlough period, UCFE-EEP benefits are not payable and the individual must establish eligibility under the regular requirements for such week. Instructions for Reporting UCFE-EEP Transactions on Form ETA 2112: Advances and expenditures under the Excepted Employee Program are to be reported on the ETA 2112 in the same manner as transactions for the regular UCFE program. Drawdowns: On line 23, include in columns C and E, amounts which have been received as advances or reimbursements from the Federal Employees Compensation Account (FECA) for payment of benefits to Federal civilians under provisions of the UCFE-EEP. Disbursements: On line 43, include in columns C and F, net benefit payments made to Federal civilians under the UCFE-EEP with funds received from the FECA. Fiscal Requirements: All UCFE-EEP paid to an excepted employee during the furlough period will be billed to the Federal agency placing the individual in excepted employee status. Administrative costs for the workload associated with UCFE-EEP claims will be paid from contingency funds at the Fiscal Year 1996 allocated MPU level. Reporting Instructions: While counts of UCFE-EEP claims will be incorporated in the existing UCFE reporting, separate counts for three items of data are required to track the UCFE-EEP claimants. Separate counts should be reported weekly on: (a) the number of individuals who file new and additional initial claims for UCFE-EEP benefits; (b) the number of weeks of UCFE-EEP benefits that were compensated during the report week; and (c) the amount of UCFE-EEP benefits paid for those weeks. Because this should be a temporary situation, this data is to be reported electronically on the Quick Response Report. The Quick Response Report is a blank report found in the UI Required Reports (UIRR) electronic entry system. Once in the UIRR system, "Access Reports" should be chosen, followed by "Special Programs" and then "Quick Response Report". This is a blank report where 12 unlabeled items may be reported. Items 1 through 3 are already being used for Self Employment data reporting in those few States which have that program. Therefore, items 6, 7 and 8 will be used for UCFE-Excepted Employee claimant data reporting. Fill in the report date item using the Saturday week ending date of the week in which the activity occurred. Report in item 6 the total number of initial claims, both new and additional, filed by UCFE-EEP claimants during the report week. Report in item 7 the total number of weeks compensated for UCFE-EEP claimants during the report week. Report in item 8 the total amount of benefits paid for the weeks reported in item 7. Please note in comments that the data is for UCFE-EEP claimants. No edits are available on the Quick Response Report. This report will be due the Friday following the week in which the activity took place. Reporting will continue as long as there is activity. These reporting requirements have been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. States are not required to report until that approval is received. When the approval is received, States will be notified and provided the OMB approval number and expiration date. Action Required: Department of Labor: The Department of Labor has instructed affected Federal agencies, directly and through the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), to furnish SESAs with the list of each agency's excepted employees, including the employee's home address, Social Security Number, annual Federal salary rate, effective date of designation, and base period qualifying wage and employment information. Also, Federal agencies are being instructed to furnish an on-going list of employee changes to and from excepted employee status if applicable. Once the State agency has been provided with all of the information pertaining to an excepted employee, the Federal agency will furnish only the pertinent information for changes. In addition, Federal agencies are being advised to establish a liaison person(s) to work with each SESA in administering the UCFE program for excepted workers. This may be the same person already assigned UCFE program liaison responsibilities. To the extent possible, the Department of Labor National Office and Regional Offices will work with the affected Federal agencies to provide information to the SESAs that will expedite and administratively ease the establishment of UCFE-EEP by the SESAs. State Agencies: ESA Administrators shall: (1) Provide the above guidance in this UIPL to appropriate staff. (2) Ensure that appropriate staff perform all actions necessary to provide for the proper payment of UCFE-EEP to excepted employees for a program that could begin as early as January 27, 1996. This will include-- (A) When contacted by the Federal agency liaison, coordinating with such individual(s) actions necessary to receive the information, described in section a. above and any other actions determined necessary by the State agency, that will enable UCFE-EEP claims to be processed. The claims filing procedures that excepted employees are to follow should also be explained to the Federal agency; (B) Establishing UCFE-EEP claims for excepted employees in a prompt manner, minimizing any in-person reporting by such employees. For example, the State could send appropriate claims forms to individuals identified by the Federal agency as excepted employees in order for such individuals to file claims; (C) Promptly determining monetary eligibility for UCFE-EEP claims based on base period qualifying employment and earnings or the annual salary figure supplied by the Federal agency and/or the earnings and leave statement furnished by the applicant through the use of the ES-935 affidavit process in the absence of base period wages reported by the Federal agency; (D) Making prompt payment of UCFE-EEP benefits to excepted employees including payment for what would otherwise be a waiting period; (E) Developing any other procedures with Federal agencies that will ease administration of this special program; (F) Adhering to the fiscal guidelines set forth in this document and furnishing required reports in a timely manner.


All State Employment Security Agencies


Mary Ann Wyrsch Director of Unemployment Insurance Service

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Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

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