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News Release

Permian Basin Safety Day event reaffirms OSHA’s commitment to protect workers in Northwest Texas, raises awareness of ‘811 Day’

Monahans Mayor Steen proclaims Aug. 11 National Safe Digging Day

Who:           U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration

                       Damage Prevention Council of Texas Northwest

                       Mayor Adam Steen, City of Monahans

 What: As part of Permian Basin Safety Day, the Mayor Adam Steen presented the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Damage Prevention Council of Texas’ Permian Basin Chapter(link is external) with a proclamation recognizing Aug. 11, 2022, as National Safe Digging Day. Known as “811 Day(link is external),” the annual commemoration serves to remind employers, workers and others to call before beginning an excavation project to avoid damage to underground pipes and electrical lines. Mayor Steen delivered the proclamation during the Safety Day activities.

 When:         August 11, 2022

                        8 a.m. CDT

 Where:       Ward County Event Center

                       1525 Monahans Parkway

                       Monahans, TX 78756

 Background: In February 2020, OSHA signed an alliance with the Damage Prevention Council to educate employers and employees in the 254 Texas counties about trenching and excavation hazards. Each year, “811 Day” reminds contractors and property owners nationwide of the importance of calling the national “call-before-you-dig” number at 811 before beginning excavation projects to avoid damage to underground pipes and electrical lines. Calling 811(link is external) initiates a process to help locate and mark underground infrastructure prior to the start of excavation, avoids disruptions and helps keep workers safe.

Occupational Safety & Health Administration
August 12, 2022
Release Number
Media Contact: Chauntra Rideaux
Media Contact: Juan Rodriguez
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