The Field Operations Handbook (FOH) is an operations manual that provides Wage and Hour Division (WHD) investigators and staff with interpretations of statutory provisions, procedures for conducting investigations, and general administrative guidance. The FOH was developed by the WHD under the general authority to administer laws that the agency is charged with enforcing. The FOH reflects policies established through changes in legislation, regulations, significant court decisions, and the decisions and opinions of the WHD Administrator. It is not used as a device for establishing interpretative policy.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is publishing this FOH on the internet pursuant to its obligation under FOIA to make available administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect members of the public, 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2), and as a public service to provide public access to information regarding DOL programs. It is important to note that there will often be a delay between the publication of changes in legislation, regulations, significant court decisions, and the decisions or opinions of the WHD Administrator and the modification of these pages. Therefore, these pages may not reflect current legislation, regulations, significant court decisions, and decisions and opinions of the WHD Administrator and no express or implied guarantees are indicated. The Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) remain the official resources for regulatory information published by the DOL. Any errors in the FOH should be brought to the attention of the WHD.

As part of an FOH modernization project, technical revisions that did not affect the substance of the FOH were made to the entire FOH in 2016. Accordingly those chapters were published with the same substantive content at an earlier time. As a result of FOH modernization, FOH chapters are now in a digital-native format and will no longer be page-based. Therefore, FOH headers, which previously provided historical revision information, will be removed as subsequent revisions are incorporated. Revision information will be tracked in two places: 1) revision information for revisions published after the 2016 FOH modernization revision are tracked within each chapter’s content with a notation below any revised subsection indicating the effective date of new modifications to that subsection; and 2) revision information on revisions published prior to the 2016 FOH modernization revision can be found at the link below each chapter title (coming soon).

Chapter 10: FLSA Coverage: Employment Relationship, Statutory Exclusions, Geographical Limits

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number
10TOC - 10b24(a)10/20/1993Revision596
10b24(b) - 10b31, line 1006/12/1998Revision633
10b31, line 11 - 10d10/20/1993Revision596

Chapter 11: Individual Coverage: FLSA - [HTML]

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number

Chapter 12: Enterprise Coverage - FLSA - [HTML]

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number

Chapter 13: Coverage of the Public Contracts Act - [HTML]

Public Contract
ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number

Chapter 14: The McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act - [PDF]

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number

Chapter 15: Davis-Bacon and Related Acts and Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act - [HTML]

Davis Bacon
ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number

Chapter 16: Title III: Consumer Credit Protection Act (Wage Garnishment)

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number

Chapter 19: Executive Order 13706: Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number

Chapter 20: Agriculture: Related and Seasonal Exemptions

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number
20TOC - 20b0607/06/1990Revision583
20c - 20w0107/06/1990Revision583

Chapter 21: Retail or Service Establishment Exemptions from Sections 6 and 7 - [HTML]

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number
21TOC - 21cs0007/12/1990Revision584
21cs01 - 21ct01(a), line 205/13/1994Revision609
21ct01(a), line 3 - 21k0907/12/1990Revision584

Chapter 22: Executive, Administrative, Professional, Computer, and Outside Sales Exemptions: FLSA Section 13(a)(1) (29 USC 213(a)(1))

sec 13a
ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number

Chapter 23: Newspaper and Other Communication Exemptions  - [HTML]

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number

Chapter 24: Transportation Exemptions - [HTML]

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number
24TOC: 24a - 24d02/26/1999Revision639
TOC: 24e - 24i05/13/1982Revision492
TOC: 24j - 24l08/24/1979Revision449
24a - 24b05/13/1982Revision492
24c - 24c02(a), line 12/first paragraph06/25/1981Revision475
24c02(a)(1) - 24c1102/26/1999Revision639
24e - 24f05/13/1982Revision492
24g - 24g07(a)(7)12/12/1974Revision356
24g07(a)(8) - 24g10, line 106/20/1974Revision348
24g10, line 2 - 24g1111/11/1977Revision412
24i - 24j06/20/1974Revision348
24l - 24l13(d)06/06/1974Revision346
24l13(e) - 24l1412/07/1984Revision522

Chapter 25: Other Exemptions - [HTML]

chap 25
ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number
 (25b: reserved)N/A  
 25e - 25f06/20/1974Revision348
 (25g: reserved)N/A  
 25m - 25n05/16/1974Revision343

Chapter 30: Records, Minimum Wage, and Payment of Wages

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number
30TOC - 30d12/15/2016Revision737
30a - 30b05(c)(3)c.12/09/1988Revision563
30b05(c)(3)d. - 30b0606/30/2000Revision641
30c13(c) - 30c13(f), line 10/first paragraph06/30/2000Revision641
30c13(f), line 11/second paragraph - 30c1412/09/1988Revision563
30c15 - 30c1606/30/2000Revision641
30e - 30f12/09/1988Revision563

Chapter 31: Hours Worked - [HTML]

chap 31
ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number
31TOC - 31a12/15/2000Revision643
 31b - 31b22, line 1309/19/1996Revision625
 31b22, line 14 - 31b2312/15/2000Revision643
 31c - 31c0005/29/1968Revision180
 31c01 - 31c0203/06/1981Insert1608
 31c03 - 31c0405/29/1968Revision180
 31c06 - 31c0805/29/1968Revision180

Chapter 32: Overtime - [HTML]

chapter 32
ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number
32a - 32b0008/30/1976Revision387
32b01 - 32b0306/30/2000Revision641
32b05 - 32c01(a)(1), line 310/09/1967Revision157
32c01(a)(1), line 4 - 32c0503/24/1967Revision138
32d - 32d04(a)07/19/1971Revision293
32d04(b) - 32d05(ab)02/11/1972Revision304
32d05(ac) - 32d0706/30/2000Revision641
32d08 - 32d0903/24/1967Revision138
32e - 32e01(a)(3)a.03/24/1967Revision138
32e01(a)(3)b. - 32e0406/30/2000Revision641
32g - 32g03(a), line 302/26/1969Revision195
32g03(a), line 4 - 32g07(a)(2), line 207/03/1967Revision148
32g07(a)(2), line 3 - 32g0902/28/1986Revision541
32h - 32h0511/14/1966Revision135
32h06 - 32i01(d)03/24/1967Revision138
32i01(e) - 32j1706/30/2000Revision641
32k - 32l06/30/2000Revision641

Chapter 33: Child Labor: FLSA - [HTML]

chapter 33
ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number
33TOC - 33d09/22/2011Revision665
33e - 33f03(g)(5)02/01/2012Revision666
33f03(g)(6) - 33f03(h)(8)09/22/2011Revision665
33f03(h)(9) - 33f0402/01/2012Revision666
33g - 33h09/22/2011Revision665

Chapter 36: Field Sanitation and Temporary Labor Camp Standards in Agriculture under the Occupational Safety and Health Act

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number

Chapter 39: The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) - [HTML]

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number
39TOC - 39c0403/01/2013Revision670
39d - 39d01(d)02/19/2015Insert1863
39d01(e) - 39d03(c)(4)03/01/2013Revision670
39d03(c)(5) - 39d03(d)(2)b., line 3 of second paragraph02/19/2015Insert1863
39d03(d)(2)b., line 4 of second paragraph - 39o02(c)03/01/2013Revision670

Chapter 46: Enforcement of H-2B - [PDF]

ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number

Chapter 64: Employment of Workers with Disabilities at Subminimum Wages under Section 14(c) - [HTML]

section 14c
ChapterSectionsDate Last Modified (Revision Date)Update TypeUpdate Number
64TOC - 64i01(e)04/26/2001Revision646
64i01(f) - 64j00(e)(2)d., line 302/28/2003Revision649
64j00(e)(2)d., line 4 - 64k0204/26/2001Revision646

Other Interpretive Guidance

Last Updated: 08/31/2017