Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC)
The Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation’s (DEEOIC) BTComp database provides a listing of contractors and subcontractors with a known contractual relationship with various Department of Energy (DOE) facilities that are covered under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA or Act). The database is a source of information used by the DEEOIC Claims Examiners in the adjudication of claims. Ongoing research is being conducted to identify as many contractors and subcontractors as possible. As new contractors and subcontractors are identified, BTComp is updated accordingly. The BTComp database can be accessed at https://btcomp.dol.gov/. BTComp’s home page displays a list of DOE Sites. From the home page, you can select a DOE site and view a list of sub-contractors at that site. To search for specific sub-contractors across the entire database, you can utilize the search field located in the upper right of the site. For example, if the word “British” is input into the search field, the database will identify every sub-contractor with “British” in its name or alias. From there, the user can see that 6 different sub-contractors DOE-wide have “British” in their name or alias. If you wanted to know the DOE facilities at which BNFL, Inc. was a subcontractor, you would select “view” next to that name. This will bring you to a screen that shows that “BNFL, Inc.” was a sub-contractor at 8 DOE facilities.
BTComp is not the sole basis for establishing covered employment at any given facility under the EEOICPA. Additionally, employment at one of the facilities does not mean that an employee has covered employment under the Act. All other elements necessary for covered subcontractor employment, as enunciated in our procedures, must be satisfied. Each case is adjudicated based on its own merits and the evidence of file.
If you have documentation that establishes a contractual relationship with DOE during the period for which the facility is covered under the EEOICPA, you may forward it to the following address:
U.S. Department of Labor, DEEOIC
Attn: Unit Chief
200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room C-3324
Washington, DC 20210