Click on the links below to display the contents of the named EEOICP Final Bulletin.
- 08-01 Rocky Flats SEC designations
- 08-02 Supplemental Guidance on Processing Cases Affected by OCAS-PER-012, entitled “Evaluation of Highly Insoluble Plutonium Compounds” Note: This bulletin updates Bulletin No.07-27 to include coding instructions for development letters sent to NIOSH as well as coding the response received from NIOSH.
- 08-03 SEC class designation for the early years at the Hanford Engineer Works
- 08-04 NIOSH’s OCAS-PER-017, entitled “Evaluation of Incomplete Internal Dosimetry Records from Idaho, Argonne – East and Argonne – West National Laboratories.
- 08-05 NIOSH’s OCAS-PER-018, entitled “Los Alamos National Laboratory Technical Basis Document Revision.
- 08-06 SEC class designation for Wilhelm Hall renovation workers at Ames Laboratory
- 08-08 Processing Claims for a Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) Class for covered employees of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), March 15, 1943 through December 31, 1975. Note: This bulletin updates Bulletin 07-23 (Processing Claims for Special Exposure Cohort Class for covered employees of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, March 15, 1943 through December 31, 1975) by adding Technical Area 33 (TA-33) to the table of operational technical areas that potentially used radioactive material in Attachment 3.
- 08-09 Authorizing In-Home Health Care.Note: This Bulletin replaces Bulletin Nos. 07-20 and 07-22. Attachments 3 and 4 have been modified to reflect the proper per diem billing code for Home Health Aides (HHAs) and Certified Nurse Assistants (CNAs), including an explanation of when this billing code is to be used. Minor procedural and wording changes have been incorporated as well.
- 08-10 NIOSH’s Program Evaluation Plan for Construction Trade Workers. Note: This bulletin is replaced by Bulletin 08-31
- 08-11 New coding instructions for cases that are reviewed under a new SEC or PEP/PER. Note: This bulletin updates Bulletin No.08-01, “Rocky Flats SEC designations,” and Bulletin No. 08-03 “SEC class designation for the early years at the Hanford Engineer Works.” It also corrects a phone number referenced in attachment #6 to Bulletin No. 08-01.
- 08-13 NIOSH’s OCAS-PER-016, entitled “Implementation of IREP procedures for claims near 50% probability of causation.” Note: This bulletin has been updated by Bulletin 08-16
- 08-15 Adjudication of Part E claims for the conditions of parkinsonism and Parkinson’s disease (PD)
- 08-16 NIOSH’s OCAS-PER-016 Note: This bulletin updates Bulletin No. 08-13, “NIOSH’s OCAS-PER-016, entitled "Implementation of IREP procedures for claims near 50% probability of causation.”
- 08-18 NIOSH coding in ECMS E.
- 08-20 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) SEC class from January 1, 1950, through December 31, 1973.
- 08-22 SEC coding
- 08-24 Chapman Valve, Argonne National Laboratory – West, General Steel Industries, and the Huntington Pilot Plant (Reduction Pilot Plant) Program Evaluation Reports.
- 08-25 NIOSH’s OCAS-PER-011,entitled "K-25 TBD and TIB Revisions".
- 08-26 OCAS-PER-029, Hanford/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Program Evaluation Report.
- 08-27 OCAS-PER-027, Clarksville Program Evaluation Report.
- 08-28 OCAS-PER-026, Pantex and OCAS-PER-028,Pinellas Program Evaluation Reports.
- 08-29 OCAS-PER-031, Y-12 Program Evaluation Report.
- 08-30 OCAS-PER-012, Super S Program Evaluation Report.
- 08-31 OCAS-PER-014, Program Evaluation Report for Construction Trade Workers. Note: This bulletin replaces Bulletin No. 08-10
- 08-32 NIOSH’s Program Evaluation Reports for Savannah River Site and Nevada Test Site.
- 08-33 An additional Hanford class in the SEC
- 08-38 Rescinding Bulletins 06-10 and 06-14 Note: This bulletin replaces Bulletin Nos. 06-10 and 06-14
- 08-39 Privacy Act - Personally Identifiable Information
- 08-40 Processing cases with a recommended decision pending at FAB in excess of one year