Click on the links below to display the contents of the named EEOICP Final Bulletin.
- 07-01 Processing Claims for Ames Laboratory SEC Class
- 07-02 Amended Procedures for Coordinating EEOICPA PartE Benefits
- 07-03 De-listing of Certain Atomic Weapons Employers (AWEs)
- 07-06 Educating claimants on impairment and/or wage loss compensation benefits
- 07-07 Procedures for rating impairment due to mental disorders under Part E of the EEOICPA
- 07-10 Procedures for deducting payments received for final judgments or settlements from EEOICPA benefits under Parts B and/or Part E
This bulletin has been updated by Bulletin 07-12 - 07-11 Processing Claims for a new Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) Class for covered employees with exposure to radioactive lanthanum (RaLa) at work locations within Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
- 07-12 Procedures for deducting payments received for final judgments or settlements from EEOICPA benefits under Parts B and/or Part E "Update to Bulletin 07-10"
- 07-13 Implementing the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s (NIOSH) December 2006 Report "Update to Bulletin 05-02"
- 07-14 Fee Schedule Appeal Process (Medical Bill Pay)
- 07-15 Processing Claims for Allied Chemical Corporation Plant Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) Class, January 1, 1959 through December 31, 1976
- 07-17 Processing Claims for the General Atomics Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) Class, January 1, 1960 through December 31, 1969
- 07-18 Processing Claims for a new Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) Class for the Monsanto Chemical Company in Dayton, OH, from January 1, 1943 through December 31, 1949
- 07-19 Processing Cases Affected by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s (NIOSH) "Program Evaluation Plan: Evaluation of Highly Insoluble Plutonium Compounds."
- 07-20 Authorizing In-Home Health Care - Replaced by EEOICPA Bulletin 08-09
- 07-21 NIOSH’s Program Evaluation Report for Lymphoma
- 07-22 Update to Bulletin No.07-20 Authorizing In-Home Health Care - Replaced by EEOICPA Bulletin 08-09
- 07-23 Processing Claims for a new Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) Class for covered employees of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), March 15, 1943 through December 31, 1975
Updated by bulletin 08-08 - 07-26 Supplemental Guidance for Additional Cases Affected by NIOSH’s Program Evaluation Report for Lymphoma.
- 07-27 Supplemental Guidance on Processing Cases Affected by OCAS-PER-012, entitled "Evaluation of Highly Insoluble Plutonium Compounds."
- 07-28 NIOSH’s Program Evaluation Report for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
- 07-29 NIOSH’s Program Evaluation Report for the Mallinckrodt and Blockson Chemical Company’s Technical Basis Document (TBD) Revision.