Click on the links below to display the contents of the named EEOICP Final Bulletin.
- 03-01 Medical Second Opinion
- 03-02 Referring case files to the District Medical Consultant (DMC)
- 03-03 Issues concerning NIOSH
- 03-04 RECA indicator
- 03-05 Subcontractor code
- 03-06 ECMS noncovered condition
- 03-07 Employment verification codes
- 03-08 Diagnosed cancer and claimed employment at a beryllium vendor
- 03-09 Travel over 200 Miles Round Trip
- 03-10 Department of Energy requests for DEEOIC claimant files has been replaced by Bulletin 03-19
- 03-11 Additional cancers considered as primary cancer
- 03-12 WS-WR codes
- 03-13 Dupont Employment Verification
- 03-14 Revised Medical Condition Status codes
- 03-15 - No Bulletin Released
- 03-16 Cancellation of Lump Sum Payment
- 03-17 Implementation of 20 CFR 30 Final Rule
- 03-18 Covered Facilities update to the Federal Register
- 03-19 Department of Energy Requests for DEEOIC claimant files
- 03-20 Quality Control Checklists
- 03-21 Coverage of Uniformed Members of the military
- 03-22 Reissue - ECMS Closure Codes
- 03-23 Review of Dose Reconstruction in the Final Adjudication Branch Hearing Process
- 03-24 Probability of Causation Instructions for Certain Special Circumstances
- 03-25 Use of Revised EE-5 Employment Verification Form
- 03-26 Government agency employment
- 03-27 Estalishing covered subcontractor employment
- 03-28 EEOICPA coverage of the citizens of Marshall Island
- 03-29 Interim procedures for processing claim for new medical condition
- 03-30 Verifying Employment for Bechtel Power Corporation employees at the Hanford site
- 03-31 No Bulletin Released
- 03-32 Certification by NCI of Certain Primary Cancers