The following sites are either known to have used or likely used vapor degreasing pre-1990 or used TCE in other job activities and thus have a much greater potential for significant worker exposure to TCE than other sites during that period: (at sites in bold, TCE was also used extensively in metal cleaning).

Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Lab (ETEC)

Argonne National Lab (East)

Argonne National Lab (West)

Brookhaven National Lab

Dana Heavy Water Plant

Dayton Project

Electro Metallurgical

Feed Materials Production Center (Fernald)

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

General Electric Company (Ohio)


High Energy Rate Forging Facility

Idaho National Lab

Iowa Ordnance Plant

Kansas City Plant

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Lawrence Livermore National Lab

Los Alamos National Lab

Mallinckrodt Chemical Co., Destrehan Street Facility

Mound Plant

Nevada Test Site

Oak Ridge GDP (K-25)

Oak Ridge National Lab

Paducah GDP

Pantex Plant

Pinellas Plant

Portsmouth GDP

Reduction Pilot Plant (Huntington)

Rocky Flats Plant

Sandia National Lab-Albuquerque

Sandia National Lab-Livermore

Savannah River Site

South Albuquerque Works

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Tonopah Test Range

Weldon Spring Plant (Mallinckrodt)

West Valley Demonstration Project

Y-12 Plant

TCE was used at other DOE facilities as well, though those listed above were those for which its use was most widespread. For example, the gaseous diffusion plants utilized TCE by the tanker truck full.