Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC)
Meetings for RECA Claimants in Utah! – On June 24, 2014 and June 25, 2014, DEEOIC hosted two (2) town hall meetings at Star Hall in Moab, Utah, to provide information about compensation and medical benefits available under the EEOICPA. The primary focus of the meetings was to provide an overview of Part B and Part E of EEOICPA, including a discussion regarding benefits available to covered employees who were awarded benefits under Section 5 of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA). Staff from the Denver district office and Espanola resource center set up a Traveling Resource Center (TRC) from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm to provide claim status updates, general program information, and assistance in filing claims. The meeting on June 24 drew 150 participants, and on June 25, 93 individuals attended. Representatives from the Ombudsman’s office were also present.