Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC)

Changes to Pharmacy Benefits – Not Applicable as of March 2024

The Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC) is issuing new Pharmacy Benefits Cards ("White Cards") to all claimants who currently receive medical benefits for conditions accepted under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act. The new Pharmacy Benefits Manager, myMatrixx, started mailing these new cards to you on Friday, April 28, 2023, and you should receive your new card shortly.

In addition to the benefits you currently receive, you will gain the following additional benefits through this partnership with myMatrixx:

  • Easy access to prescriptions at local retail pharmacies
  • Home delivery option available for up to a 90-day supply
  • 24/7 dedicated call center to handle any pharmacy or medication questions

You should begin using your new card as soon as you receive it in the same manner that you used your old card. Should you need to find a pharmacy in your area, myMatrixx can assist you by contacting them at the number noted above. Additionally, please review the frequently asked questions in the images below. 

myMatrixx also can facilitate the fulfillment of Durable Medical Equipment (DME) needs, including oxygen, wheelchairs, bed care products and other medically necessary equipment or supplies.

Please note that any prescriptions for medical conditions not covered by DEEOIC should continue to be billed to Medicare or your other insurance coverage.

For further information about the new cards and DEEOIC pharmacy benefits, you can find it on the DEEOIC website at the following link: https://owcprx.dol.gov/

myMatrixx and New Program Pharmacy Benefits FAQs page 1

myMatrixx and New Program Pharmacy Benefits FAQs page 2