Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC)
May 10-11, 2022:
Meeting of the Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health
Meeting Type: Full Board, Teleconference, Public, with Public Comment Period
Tuesday, May 10, 2022: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm ET |
Wednesday, May 11, 2022: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm ET |
Virtual Meeting Participation:
Please follow these steps to join us virtually. Also, if you wish to only participate via telephone call, you only need to complete Steps 1 and 4 below. Please note that the links and passwords are NOT the same for both days, so please read the steps below carefully and make sure you are clicking on the correct date column.
Steps |
Tuesday (5/10) |
Wednesday (5/11) |
1 |
Meeting starts at: 1:00 pm EDT Click on this Webex link: Join the meeting (This meeting has already occurred. Please see below for information on the meeting.) OR If you are ONLY able to join by phone, you can call in with the following:
Meeting starts at: 1:00 pm EDT Click on this Webex link: Join the meeting (This meeting has already occurred. Please see below for information on the meeting.) OR If you are ONLY able to join by phone, you can call in with the following:
2 |
When prompted, enter your name & email address. The password is pre-filled, but if prompted use: |
When prompted, enter your name & email address. The password is pre-filled, but if prompted use: |
3 |
When prompted, either click “Run” or download the Cisco WebEx app (make sure ad-blocking software is turned off). |
When prompted, either click “Run” or download the Cisco WebEx app (make sure ad-blocking software is turned off). |
4 |
At 4:15pm EST, there will be a public comment period. The public comment session will last for forty five minutes. STAY ON THE WEBEX/PHONE LINE to participate or watch/listen. |
There is no public comment session scheduled for today. |
**IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE CONNECTING, please email us at EnergyAdvisoryBoard@dol.gov
Available Meeting Items:
- Agenda
- Transcript
- Minutes
- Briefing Book materials
Scheduled Presentations:
Submitted Public Comments:
- Public Comments: Bob Rothe
- Public Comments: Elizabeth Brooks
- Public Comments: Sandra Thornton
- Public Comments: Jason Jones
- Public Comments: Tyler Bailey
- Public Comments: Tyler Bailey
- Public Comments: Terrie Barrie
- Public Comments: Faye Vlieger
- Public Comments: Stephanie Carroll