Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC)
February 28, 2019:
Meeting of the Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker HealthMeeting Type: Full Board, Teleconference, Public, Written Comments only
Time: Thursday, February 28, 2019: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Eastern time
Virtual Meeting Participation: The subcommittee meeting will be open to the public. There will not be a public comment session. Written comments may be submitted to EnergyAdvisoryBoard@dol.gov by February 21, 2019, and will be posted below.
To join this virtual meeting, please follow the below steps. The webex link will allow you to see materials being discussed, and the phone number will allow you to listen in to this discussion. If you wish to only participate via telephone call, you only need to complete Step 1.
- Call 800-779-1454 and enter Participant code: 2854094#
- Click on this link:
Join WebEx meeting (This meeting has already occurred. Please see below for information on the meeting.)
Meeting number: 649 708 980
Meeting password: AB28Feb! (the password should be pre-filled but can be entered)
- When prompted, enter your name and email address
- When prompted, either click “Run” or download the Cisco WebEx app (make sure ad-blocking software is turned off)
Available Meeting Items:
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Transcript
- Briefing Book Materials
- Proposed revised asbestos presumption recommendation
- Asbestos ABTSWH-DOL Recommendations/Responses
- Proposed revised Occupational Health Questionnaire recommendation
- OHQ Questionnaire ABTSWH-DOL Recommendations/Responses
- Proposed revised occupational asthma recommendation
- Asthma ABTSWH-DOL Recommendations/Responses
- Public comment tracking
- ABTSWH Comment to EEOICP proposed rule
- Federal Register Notice of Final Rule, February 8, 2019
- Action Items and Responses, November 2018 Board meeting
- ABTSWH Data and Claims Request, December 2018
- EEOICP Bulletin 19-03
- Parkinson’s materials:
- Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinson’s Plus Syndromes bibliography
- PD and neurodegenerative disease, Dr. Cassano
- Caudle, Michael W., PhD. “Occupational Exposures and Parkinsonism.” Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 131 (3rd series), 2015.
- Goldman, Samuel L. “Environmental Toxins and Parkinson’s Disease.” Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 2014.
- Lock, Edward A., Jing Zhang, and Harvey Checkoway. “Solvents and Parkinson disease: A systematic review of toxicological and epidemiological evidence.” Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2014.
- van der Mark, Marianne, et al. “Occupational exposure to solvents, metals and welding fumes and risk or Parkinson’s disease.” Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, Vol. 21, 2015.
- Gelb, Douglas J., MD, PhD; Eugene Oliver, PhD; Sid Gelman, MD. “Diagnostic Criteria for Parkinson Disease.” Arch Neurol., Vol. 56, 1999.
- Econometrica Inc. Final Report
- Dr. Armstrong’s CV
- Dr. Stokes’ CV
Submitted Public Comment Materials: