Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC)
Goal 1: To reduce total injury and illness case rates by 4% per year below the FY 2009 baseline if an agency's rate is at or above the national target or by 1% per year below the prior year's actual rate if an agency's rate is below the national target. If an agency has a rate of one injury or illness per 100 employees per year or less, this rate must be maintained and no further reductions are required.
Goal Met
Goal Not Met
Goal 2: To reduce lost time injury and illness case rates by 4% per year below the FY 2009 baseline if an agency's rate is at or above the national target or by 1% per year below the prior year's actual rate if an agency's rate is below the national target. If an agency has a rate of one lost time injury or illness per 100 employees per year or less, this rate must be maintained and no further reductions are required.
Goal Met
Goal Not Met
Goal 3: To analyze lost time injury and illness data. While all agencies are encouraged to do so, only those agencies with a lost time case rate above the federal government's rate are required to submit, as part of the annual report to OSHA, a summary of the measures taken to address the most frequent and severe cases.
Goal 4: To increase the timely filing of workers' compensation notice of injury or illness forms (forms CA-1 and 2) by 3% per year above the FY 2009 baseline or meet the minimum filing percentage for the year, whichever is greater. For FY2013 and FY2014, performance is measured against a new baseline of actual agency performance during the last two quarters of FY2011 and the first two quarters of FY2012. Minimum performance thresholds start at 65% for FY 2011 and rise by 5% per year. However, no agency's annual target will need to exceed 95%.
Goal Met
Goal Not Met
Goal 5: To increase the timely filing of wage-loss claims (forms CA-7) to meet or exceed minimum annual thresholds. In FY 2011, all agencies are required to achieve at least a 60% timely filing rate; in FY 2012, FY 2013, and FY 2014, the minimum thresholds will rise to 64%, 68%, and 70%, respectively. For FY2013 and FY2014, timely filing must increase by 3% per year above a baseline of actual agency performance during the last two quarters of FY2011 and the first two quarters of FY2012, or meet the minimum annual threshold. However, no agency's annual target will need to exceed 95%.
Goal Met
Goal Not Met
Goal 6: To reduce lost production day rates (days lost due to workplace injury or illness per 100 FTE) by 1% per year below the FY 2009 baseline or maintain a rate of 15 days or less.
Goal Met
Goal Not Met
Goal 7: To increase return to work outcomes for those federal employees who sustain serious workplace injuries or illnesses. While all federal agencies are encouraged to improve their return-to-work percentages under the initiative, 14 agencies with the largest, statistically significant case volumes (an annual average of 50 or more new serious injury cases measured for the FY 2009 baseline) are expected to improve their return-to-work outcomes within a two-year period by one percent in FY2011 and by an additional two percent in each of the following three years over the baseline. For FY2013 and FY2014, performance will be measured against a new baseline of the agency's actual return-to-work outcome in FY2011. This new goal will also support an Executive Order requiring agencies to increase their employment of persons with disabilities, particularly the reemployment of federal employees injured on the job whenever possible.
Goal Met
Goal Not Met
Goal 8: To measure compliance with the FECA regulations (20 C.F.R. §§ 10.100, 10.101 and 10.102) which require all employers to submit notices of traumatic injury, occupational disease and wage loss compensation electronically (forms CA-1, CA-2 and CA-7) wherever feasible. All employers that do not currently have such capability should create or implement such a method by December 31, 2012. Agency performance will be measured with a yes or no indicator.
Goal Met
Goal Partially Met (Some agency components in compliance)
Goal Not Met