10. SUBSIDIARY ORGANIZATIONS — If Item 10 is answered “Yes,” provide in Item 56 (Additional Information) the name, address, and purpose of each subsidiary organization. Indicate whether the information concerning its financial condition and operations is included in this Form LM-3 or in a separate report. See Section X of these instructions for information on reporting subsidiary organizations.

11. TRUSTS OR FUNDS — Answer Item 11 “Yes” if your labor organization created or participated in the administration of a “trust in which a labor organization is interested” which is defined in section 3(I) of the LMRDA as “a trust or other fund or organization (1) which was created or established by a labor organization, or one or more of the trustees or one or more members of the governing body of which is selected or appointed by a labor organization, and (2) a primary purpose of which is to provide benefits for the members of such labor organization or their beneficiaries.”

If Item 11 is answered “Yes,” provide in Item 56 (Additional Information) the name, address, and purpose of each trust. If a report has been filed for the trust or other fund under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), report in Item 56 (Additional Information) the ERISA file number (Employer Identification Number — EIN) and plan number, if any.

12. POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE FUNDS — If Item 12 is answered “Yes,” provide in Item 56 (Additional Information) the full name of each separate political action committee (PAC) and list the name of any government agency, such as the Federal Election Commission or a state agency, with which the PAC has filed a publicly available report, and the relevant file number of the PAC. (PAC funds which are kept separate from your labor organization’s treasury are not required to be included in your organization’s Form LM-3 if publicly available reports on the PAC funds are filed with a Federal or state agency. See Section VIII of these instructions for additional information on PAC funds.)

13. ACQUISITION OR DISPOSITION OF ASSETS — If Item 13 is answered “Yes,” describe in Item 56 (Additional Information) the manner in which your organization acquired or disposed of assets, such as donating office furniture or equipment to charitable organizations, trading in assets, writing off a receivable, or giving away other tangible or intangible property of the labor organization. Include the type of asset, its value, and the identity of the recipient or donor, if any. Also report in Item 56 (Additional Information) the cost or other basis at which any acquired assets were entered on your organization’s books or the cost or other basis at which any assets disposed of were carried on your organization’s books.

For assets that were traded in, enter in Item 56 (Additional Information) the cost, book value, and trade-in allowance.

14. AUDIT OR REVIEW OF BOOKS AND RECORDS — If Item 14 is answered “Yes,” indicate in Item 56 (Additional Information) whether the audit or review was performed by an outside accountant or a parent body auditor/representative. If the audit or review was performed by an outside accountant, provide the name of the accountant or accounting firm. Report any audit or review by an outside accountant or a parent body auditor/representative in which your organization’s books and records were examined to verify their accuracy and validity. The term “audit or review” does not include providing assistance in developing a bookkeeping system, providing routine bookkeeping services, or merely compiling information from your organization’s books and records to prepare Form LM-3 or other financial reports. Also, do not answer Item 14 “Yes” if the audit or review was performed by an audit committee or trustees of your organization.

15. LOSSES OR SHORTAGES — If Item 15 is answered “Yes,” describe the loss or shortage in detail in Item 56 (Additional Information), including such information as the amount of the loss or shortage of funds or a description of the property that was lost, how it was lost, and to what extent, if any, there has been an agreement to make restitution or any recovery by means of repayment, fidelity bond, insurance, or other means.

16. ADDITIONAL POSITIONS OF OFFICERS — Answer Item 16 “Yes” only if an officer of your organization was paid $10,000 or more in salary, wages, and allowances by your organization and was paid $10,000 or more in salary, wages, and allowances as an officer or employee of another labor organization or of an employee benefit plan. In calculating whether an officer was paid $10,000 or more, include allowances paid on a daily, weekly, monthly, or other periodic basis. Do not include allowances paid on the basis of mileage or meals or amounts officers received as reimbursed expenses. If Item 16 is answered “Yes,” provide in Item 56 (Additional Information) the name of each officer, the name of the other labor organization(s) or employee benefit plan(s), and the officer’s position in the other labor organization(s) or employee benefit plan(s).

17. EMPLOYEES — Answer Item 17 “Yes” if any employee of your organization received more than $10,000 in gross salaries, allowances, and other direct and indirect disbursements during the reporting period (direct and indirect disbursements are defined in the instructions for Item 24 [All Officers and Disbursements to Officers]). In computing the total, add together all disbursements made to each employee by your organization (including any subsidiary organization) and any affiliates. (“Affiliates” means labor organizations chartered by the same parent body, governed by the same constitution and bylaws, or having the relationship of parent and subordinate.)

If Item 17 is answered “Yes,” report in Item 56 (Additional Information) the name and position of each employee and the names of the other affiliated labor organizations which made disbursements to or on behalf of the employee. Also report in Item 56 (Additional Information) the total disbursements made to each employee or on the employee’s behalf by your organization, including all salary and allowances (before any deductions) and other disbursements (including reimbursed expenses).

18. LOANS — Answer Item 18 “Yes” if any officer, employee, or member owed your organization, together with any subsidiary organization, more than $250 at any time during the reporting period; or if your organization made a loan, regardless of amount, to any business enterprise during the reporting period. Include any direct or indirect loans whether or not evidenced by a promissory note or secured by a mortgage. An example of an indirect loan is a disbursement by your organization to an educational institution for the tuition expense of an officer, employee, or member which must be repaid to your organization by that individual.

If Item 18 is answered “Yes,” report in Item 56 (Additional Information) the name of each individual and business enterprise, the amount each individual owed at the end of the reporting period, and the amount loaned to each business enterprise during the reporting period. Also report in Item 56 (Additional Information) the purpose, terms for repayment, and any security for each such loan.

NOTE: Advances, including salary advances, are considered loans and must be reported in Item 26 (Loans Receivable) and Item 53 (Loans Made). However, advances to officers and employees of your organization for travel expenses necessary for conducting official business are not considered loans if the following conditions are met:


  • the amount of an advance for a specific trip does not exceed the amount of expenses reasonably expected to be incurred for official travel in the near future, and the amount of the advance is fully repaid or fully accounted for by vouchers or paid receipts within 30 days after the completion or cancellation of the travel.


  • the amount of a standing advance to an officer or employee who must frequently travel on official business does not unreasonably exceed the average monthly travel expenses for which the individual is separately reimbursed after the submission of vouchers or paid receipts, and the individual does not exceed 60 days without engaging in official travel.


See the instructions for Item 24, Column (E) (All Officers and Disbursements to Officers), Item 30 (Other Assets), and Item 46 (Cash Disbursements to Employees) for reporting travel advances which meet these criteria.

19. NUMBER OF MEMBERS — Enter the number of members in your organization at the end of the reporting period. Include all categories of members who pay dues. Do not include nonmember employees who make payments in lieu of dues as a condition of employment under a union security provision in a collective bargaining agreement.

20. FIDELITY BOND — Enter the maximum amount recoverable for a loss caused by any officer, employee, or agent of your organization who handled your organization’s funds. Enter “0” if your organization was not covered by a fidelity bond during the reporting period.

NOTE: If your organization had property and annual financial receipts which totaled more than $5,000, each of your organization’s officers, employees, and agents who handles funds or other property of your organization must be bonded. The amount of the bond must be at least 10% of the value of the funds handled by the individual during the last reporting period, up to a maximum bond of $500,000. The bond must be obtained from a surety company approved by the Secretary of the Treasury. If you have any questions or need more information about bonding requirements, contact the nearest OLMS field office listed at the end of these instructions.

21. CHANGES IN CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS OR PRACTICES/PROCEDURES — If Item 21 is answered “Yes” because your organization’s constitution and bylaws were changed during the reporting period (other than rates of dues and fees), a dated copy of the new constitution and bylaws must either be submitted as an electronic attachment to the Form LM-3 the labor organization submits to OLMS, or the labor organization may submit a dated copy of the new constitution and bylaws to:

Office of Labor-Management Standards
200 Constitution Ave., NW, Room N-1519
Washington, DC 20210-0001

If your organization is governed by a uniform constitution and bylaws prescribed by your organization’s parent national or international body, your organization’s parent body may file the constitution and bylaws on your behalf. If your parent body files a constitution and bylaws on your behalf, answer Item 21 “Yes” and state that fact in Item 56 (Additional Information).

If Item 21 is answered “Yes” because your organization changed any of the practices/procedures listed below during the reporting period and the practices/ procedures are not described in your organization’s constitution and bylaws, your organization must file an amended Form LM-1 (Labor Organization Information Report) with its Form LM-3 to update information on file with OLMS:


  • qualifications for or restrictions on membership;
  • levying assessments;
  • participating in insurance or other benefit plans;
  • authorizing disbursement of labor organization funds;
  • auditing financial transactions of the labor organization;
  • calling regular and special meetings;
  • authorizing bargaining demands;
  • ratifying contract terms;
  • authorizing strikes;
  • disciplining or removing officers or agents for breaches of their trust;
  • imposing fines and suspending or expelling members including the grounds for such action and any provision made for notice, hearing, judgment on the evidence, and appeal procedures;
  • selecting officers and stewards and any representatives to other bodies composed of labor organizations’ representatives;
  • invoking procedures by which a member may protest a defect in the election of officers (including not only all procedures for initiating an election protest but also all procedures for subsequently appealing an adverse decision, e.g., procedures for appeals to superior or parent bodies, if any); and
  • issuing work permits.


Form LM-1 can be downloaded from the OLMS Web site at www.olms.dol.gov. If you are unable to download the form, contact any of the offices listed at the end of these instructions to obtain a copy.

NOTE: Federal employee labor organizations subject solely to the Civil Service Reform Act or Foreign Service Act are not required to submit an amended Form LM-1 to describe revised or changed practices/procedures.

22. NEXT REGULAR ELECTION — Enter the month and year of your organization’s next regular election of general officers (president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, etc.). Do not report the date of any interim election to fill vacancies.

23. DUES AND FEES — Enter the dues and fees established by your organization. If more than one rate applies, enter the minimum and maximum rates. Enter “0” where appropriate.

Line (a): Enter the regular dues or fees or other periodic payments which a member must pay to be in good standing in your organization and enter the calendar basis for the payment (per month, per year, etc.). If your organization requires members to pay “working” dues as a part of regular dues, also report the amount or percent of “working” dues and enter the basis for the payment (per hour, per month, etc.). Include only the dues or fees of regular members and not dues or fees of members with special rates, such as apprentices, retirees, or unemployed members.

Line (b): Enter the initiation fees required from new members.

Line (c): Enter the fees other than dues required from transferred members. Such fees are those charged to persons applying for a transfer of membership to your organization from another labor organization with the same affiliation. Do not report fees charged to members transferring from one class of membership to another within your organization.

Line (d): If your organization issues work permits, enter the fees required and enter the calendar basis for the payment (per month, per year, etc.). Work permit fees are fees charged to nonmembers of your organization who work within its jurisdiction. Do not report as work permit fees those fees charged to nonmember applicants for membership pending acceptance of their membership application, or fees charged to persons applying for transfer of membership to your organization pending acceptance of their application for transfer.


Last Updated: 9.13.12