< Schedule 2


Report details of the sale or redemption by the labor organization of U.S. Treasury securities, marketable securities, other investments, and fixed assets, including those fixed assets that were expensed (that is, the cost of the asset was charged to current expenses, rather than entered on the books and periodically depreciated), during the reporting period. Include receipts from sales of mortgages that were purchased on a block basis through a bank or similar institution. Do not include the receipts from repayments by individual mortgagors, which must be reported in Schedule 2 (Loans Receivable) as loan repayments.

If additional lines are required click the “Add More Investments and Fixed Assets Sales” button at the top of the schedule. The software will add lines to the schedule in increments of ten.

Column (A): Enter a general description of the type of investment or fixed asset sold, such as U.S. Treasury securities, stocks, bonds, land, automobiles, etc. If land or buildings were sold, enter the location of the property, including the street address, if appropriate.

Column (B): Enter the total cost of each type of investment (including any transaction costs) or fixed asset described in Column (A).

Column (C): Enter the value at which the investments or fixed assets were shown on the labor organization's books.

Column (D): Enter the gross sales (or contract) price of the investments or fixed assets.

Column (E): Enter the net amount received from the sale of the investments or fixed assets. If the amount received during the reporting period is less than the amount due (gross sales price less any deductions for selling expenses and repayments of secured loans or mortgages), the additional amount due to the labor organization must be reported in Schedule 7 (Other Assets) with a description sufficient to identify the type of asset. However, if a mortgage or note is taken back, it must be reported as a new loan in Schedule 2 (Loans Receivable).

Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the schedule and the software enters the totals for Columns (B) through (E) on the “Total of all lines above” line.

Enter the total amount from the sale or redemption of U.S. Treasury securities, marketable securities, or other investments that was promptly reinvested (i.e., "rolled over") in U.S. Treasury securities, marketable securities, or other investments during the reporting period on the “Less Reinvestments” line. Calculate the total amount reinvested by adding, for each investment, the lower of each investment's original cost or the amount received from the sale or redemption that was actually reinvested. If only a portion of the amount received was reinvested, only the reinvested portion may be included on the Less Reinvestments line. Interest and dividends received during the reporting period must be reported in Items 40 (Interest) and 41 (Dividends).

Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the schedule and the software will enter the total ”Net Sales” in Column (E) and in Item 43 (Sale of Investments and Fixed Assets) of Statement B.

Last Updated: 12/09/10