< Schedule 9


Report details of all the labor organization's liabilities at the end of the reporting period other than Item 30 (Accounts Payable), Item 31 (Loans Payable), and Item 32 (Mortgages Payable) of Statement A.

Any portion of withheld taxes or any other payroll or other deductions, which have not been transmitted at the end of the reporting period, are liabilities of the labor organization and must be reported in Schedule 10. Payroll or other deductions that are retained by the labor organization (such as repayments of loans to officers or employees) must be fully explained in Item 69 (Additional Information).

The labor organization's other liabilities must be described in Column (A) and may be classified by general groupings or bookkeeping categories if the description is sufficient to identify the type of liability. List separately any payroll taxes withheld but not yet paid, other unpaid payroll taxes of the labor organization, such as FICA taxes, and any funds collected on behalf of affiliates or members and not disbursed by the end of the reporting period. Do not include reserves for special purposes (for example, "Reserve for Building Fund") that are actually an allocation of certain assets for specific purposes rather than a liability.

If additional lines are needed, click the “Add More Other Liabilities” button at the top of the schedule. The software will add lines to the schedule in increments of ten.

Enter in Column (B) the amount of each liability described in Column (A). Click the Save button at the top of the schedule and the software will enter the total in Column (B) of Schedule 10 and in Item 33 (Other Liabilities), Column (D) of Statement A.

Last Updated: 12/09/10