On October 1, 2010, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with American Postal Workers Union (APWU) Local 83 (located in New Orleans, LA), concerning its election of officers conducted on April 15, 2010. APWU Local 83 agreed to install the duly elected clerk craft delegate. The OLMS investigation of the challenged election disclosed that due to a counting error by a balloting company, the candidate who came in fifth for clerk craft delegate should have been the fourth clerk craft delegate. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS New Orleans District Office.
On September 7, 2010, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 1357 (located in Honolulu, Hawaii), concerning its election of officers conducted February 19, 2010. IBEW Local 1357 agreed to conduct a new election, under OLMS supervision, for one Honolulu Executive Board Member and for one International Convention Delegate. The OLMS investigation of the election disclosed that individuals who were not eligible for membership voted. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS San Francisco District Office.
On June 21, 2010, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with Union Insular de Trabajadores Industriales y Construcciones Electricas, Inc. (UITICE) (located in Guaynabo, P.R.) concerning its failure to hold an election of officers for at least the last three years. The union agreed to conduct, under OLMS supervision, nominations and an election for all LMRDA covered positions. The OLMS investigation disclosed that an election of officers has not occurred for at least twelve years. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Puerto Rico Resident Investigator Office (ATLDO).
On June 9, 2010, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 2391, located in Portland, Oregon, concerning the election of officers conducted on December 3, 2009. AFGE Local 2391 agreed to conduct new nominations and an election under OLMS supervision for the position of Secretary. An OLMS investigation of the challenged election disclosed that the winning candidate for Secretary was not eligible to be a candidate for office, because she held a supervisory position. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS San Francisco District Office.
On May 10, 2010, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 1142 (located in Sioux City, Iowa), concerning the election of officers conducted on December 4, 2008. UFCW Local 1142 agreed to conduct an election under OLMS supervision for the positions of President, Secretary-Treasurer, Recording Secretary, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and Third Vice President. The OLMS investigation of the challenged election disclosed that incumbent officers campaigned on union time and were allowed to campaign on employer property while challengers were not. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS St. Louis District Office.
On April 19, 2010, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with SEIU Local 221 (located in San Diego, Calif.) concerning its challenged election of officers completed on July 21, 2009. The union agreed to conduct, under OLMS supervision, new nominations and a new election for all contested positions. The OLMS investigation of the challenged election disclosed that Local 221 did not mail a notice of election to all members and did not provide adequate facilities to enable members to cast a secret ballot at the polling sites. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Los Angeles District Office.
On April 1, 2010, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with AFGE Local 3320 (located in San Antonio, Texas), concerning an election of officers conducted on August 28, 2009. The union agreed to conduct a new election including nominations, under OLMS supervision, for the offices of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Proxy Delegate. The OLMS investigation of the challenged election found that Local 3320 acted in a discriminatory manner with regard to its membership list when an incumbent candidate used the union’s list to complete two campaign mailings and the union did not offer the list to other candidates. Further, the investigation found that Local 3320 denied a member the right to run for office ruling that she was not a member of Local 3320. The candidate had signed the proper form to become a member of Local 3320, but the form was not processed by the employer-agency. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS New Orleans District Office.
On March 24, 2010, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with Steelworkers Local 12-766 (located in La Puente, Calif.), concerning its April 21, 2009 election of officers. The OLMS investigation of the election disclosed that the local improperly imposed its meeting attendance requirement by relying on records that did not accurately reflect attendance. The investigation also found that the election committee provided an absentee ballot to an eligible member who did not request one as required by the union’s rules, delivered absentee ballots to members, collected and retained voted ballots until the tally. The union agreed to conduct new nominations and a new election, under OLMS supervision, for President, Vice President and Financial Secretary. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Los Angeles District Office.
On February 12, 2010, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with AAUP concerning a challenged election conducted by AAUP’s Assembly of State Conferences (ASC) on June 12, 2009. The union agreed to conduct nominations and a new election under OLMS supervision for ASC Chairman. The OLMS investigation of the challenged election found that the majority of AAUP ASC members did not have the opportunity to nominate or elect delegates by a secret ballot election. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Washington District Office.
On February 5, 2010, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the American Foreign Service Association (located in Washington, D.C.), concerning a challenged election conducted by AFSA on June 12, 2009. The union agreed to conduct nominations and an election under OLMS supervision for all offices. The OLMS investigation found that candidates for union office or their supporters improperly used union email addresses, and government email addresses, computers and telephones. AFSA was also found to have permitted publication of an article promoting a candidate for office in its monthly journal published at the time ballots were mailed to members. The agreement follows and investigation by the OLMS Washington District Office.
On January 26, 2010, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with IBEW Local 58 (located in Detroit, Mich.), as amended on February 2, 2010, concerning a challenged election conducted by Local 58 on June 26 and July 17, 2009. The union agreed to conduct nominations, if necessary, and a new election under OLMS supervision for Business Manager/ Financial Secretary (Convention Delegate), President (Convention Delegate), Vice President, two Examining Board officers, one Executive Board Inside Construction officer, and seven Delegates to the Convention. The OLMS investigation of the challenged election found that Local 58 allowed ineligible retired members to vote and that the incumbent officers used union resources to campaign by using the union’s payroll deduction system to collect funds which were then used to pay for the incumbent officers’ campaign. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Detroit District Office.
On January 19, 2010, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the Association Employees Union (located in San Jose, Calif.) concerning the election of officers conducted on October 24, 2009. The OLMS investigation found that the union failed to provide adequate safeguards to ensure a fair election and that union and employer funds were used to campaign. The union agreed to conduct a new election for president, vice president north, and trustee south under OLMS supervision. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS San Francisco District Office.
Last Updated: 1-4-11