US. Department of Labor Employment Standards Admistration
Office of Labor-Manageme t Standards
Washington, D.C. 20210

Sam Augello, President
Communications Workers AFL-CIO
Local 81323
15 Barclay Court
Rochester, NY 146 12

Dear Mr. Augello:

This is in response to your continuing hardship exem tion request for Communications Workers AFL-CIO, Local 81323, LM File Number & for the fiscal year ending September 30,2007. Your request dated November 15,2007 was received by the Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) on November 30,2007. A continuing hardship exemption request requires the requesting union to demonstrate that it cannot file Form LM-2 electronically without undue burden or expense.

You based your request upon the following information stated in your letter:

Due to a subsidy received from your national organization in the form of strike benefits, your total annual receipts exceed $250,000.00 for the fiscal year that ended September 30, 2007. This is a non-recurring event and will most likely not happen again.

OLMS grants your continuing hardship exemption request for filing Form LM-2 electronically for the fiscal year ending September 30,2007, based on the information provided. Enclosed is a paper version of Form LM-2 and instructions with your union's identifying information pre-filled. The report can be completed on the paper form, signed manually, and mailed to OLMS at the address given in the instructions.

If you have any further questions about filing Form LM-2 pursuant to the hardship exemption, please call 202-693-0123 and reference your organization's LM file number.

Beverly E.Walker, Chief
Division of Interpretations and Standards
cc: Larry King, Chief, Division of Reports, Disclosure & Audits


Last Updated: 11/04/08

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