U.S. Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Office of Labor-Management Standards
Washington, DC 20210
July 24, 2009
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Dear ||||||||||:
This Statement of Reasons is in response to your April 9, 2008 complaint filed with the United States Department of Labor alleging that violations of Title IV of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, as amended (LMRDA or Act), 29 U.S.C. §§ 481 – 484, occurred in connection with the election of officers of Local 1697 (Local 1697), American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) completed on December 28, 2007.
During the course of the Department of Labor’s (Department) investigation of the allegations of the complaint, the AFGE National took action to merge Local 1697 into AFGE Local 1061, effective as of October 6, 2008. The merger occurred as scheduled.
As Local 1697 no longer exists, there is no basis under section 402 of the Act, 29 U.S.C. § 482, for an action by the Secretary seeking a new election for the Local as a result of any violations of the Act that may have occurred during the conduct of the December 2007 election.
Accordingly, we are closing our file on this matter.
Cynthia M. Downing
Chief, Division of Enforcement
cc: John Gage, National President
AFGE National Union
80 F Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Shirley Gaspard, former President
AFGE Local 1697
16111 Plummer Street
North Hills, CA 92134-2345
Katherine Bissell, Associate Solicitor for Civil Rights and Labor-Management