Determination of a Complaint Filed under Section 458.63 of the Assistant Secretary’s
Standards of Conduct Regulations (29 CFR 458.63) Issued pursuant to
Section 7120(d) of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. 7120(d))
On November 17, 2014, the Secretary of Labor received a complaint alleging violations of Section 458.29 of the Rules and Regulations of the Assistant Secretary issued pursuant to Section 7120(d) of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA), in the regularly scheduled election of officers conducted on October 3, 2014, by National Air Traffic Controllers Association, Local ZTL, in Hampton, Georgia.
Pursuant to Section 458.50 of the Rules and Regulations, the Chief of the Division of Enforcement of the Office of Labor Management Standards (OLMS) caused an investigation to be conducted by the Department of Labor. The investigation disclosed that the conduct of the challenged election may have violated Section 458.29 of the Rules and Regulations in that the union failed to provide proper notice of election and the union failed to provide adequate safeguards when ballots were left unsecured.
Apprised of these findings, National Air Traffic Controllers Association, Local ZTL agreed to conduct new nominations and a new election of officers under the supervision of the Chief of the Division of Enforcement, in accordance with Section 458.29 of the Rules and Regulations of the Assistant Secretary. The agreed upon remedial election was concluded on August 31, 2015. It is, therefore,
DETERMINED, that there is probable cause to believe that violations of Section 458.29 of the Rules and Regulations occurred which may have affected the outcome of the election conducted by National Air Traffic Controllers Association, Local ZTL on October 3, 2014. These violations have been remedied by the new election, conducted in accordance with Section 458.29, under the supervision of the Chief, Division of Enforcement, OLMS, on August 31, 2015.
Therefore, enforcement proceedings under Section 458.66 of the Rules and Regulations of the Assistant Secretary to set aside the election conducted on October 3, 2014 are not warranted.
Signed this 7th day of October 2015.
Sharon Hanley
Chief, Division of Enforcement
U.S. Department of Labor
Office of Labor-Management Standards
Division of Enforcement
Washington, DC 20210
(202) 693-0143 Fax: (202) 693-1343
October 7, 2015
Dear :
The enclosed Determination represents the Department's final disposition of the matter mentioned therein.
Sharon Hanley
Chief, Division of Enforcement
U.S. Department of Labor
Office of Labor-Management Standards
Division of Enforcement
Washington, DC 20210
(202) 693-0143 Fax: (202) 693-1343
October 7, 2015
, President
Air Traffic Controllers, AFL-CIO, Local ZTL
299 Woolsey Road
Hampton, Georgia 30228
Dear :
The enclosed Determination represents the Department's final disposition of the matter mentioned therein.
Sharon Hanley
Chief, Division of Enforcement
U.S. Department of Labor
Office of Labor-Management Standards
Division of Enforcement
Washington, DC 20210
(202) 693-0143 Fax: (202) 693-1343
October 7, 2015
Mr. Paul Rinaldi, President
National Air Traffic Controllers Association
1325 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
Dear Mr. Rinaldi:
The enclosed Determination represents the Department's final disposition of the matter mentioned therein.
Sharon Hanley
Chief, Division of Enforcement