This page contains CAP closing letters issued since January 1, 2022. Closing letters for audits are posted in alphabetical order by union, and then in numerical order under the union name. You can find a particular union quickly by using your browser's “Find” function: in Internet Explorer, select “Find” from the Edit Menu on the top menu bar. Enter the name or partial name of the union to find in the resulting dialog box and click the “Find Next” button.

Note: The PDFs located on this page are compatible with Section 508 of the Workforce Rehabilitation Act. Any obvious omissions of words/phrases are due to redactions.

2022 CAP closing letters
Union NameAffiliateDatePDF
Air Traffic Controller (NATCA) ZDV03-15-22PDF
Air Traffic Controller (NATCA)ZID03-18-22PDF
Auto Workers AFL-CIO (UAW)Local 44010-27-22PDF
Auto Workers AFL-CIO (UAW)Local 111809-30-22PDF
Auto Workers AFL-CIO (UAW)Local 161709-20-22PDF
Bakery, Tobacco and Grain AFL-CIO (BCTGMI)Local 12509-27-22PDF
Boilermakers AFL-CIO (BBF)Local 404-15-22PDF
Boilermakers AFL-CIO (BBF)Local 10507-28-22PDF
Boilermakers AFL-CIO (BBF)Local 58401-11-22PDF
Boilermakers AFL-CIO (BBF)Local 74409-30-22PDF
Boilermakers AFL-CIO (BBF)Local 90003-07-22PDF
Bricklayers AFL-CIO (BAC)Local 4008-19-22PDF
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, IBT (BLE)Division 58506-10-22PDF
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, IBT (BLE)Division 69207-13-22PDF
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, IBT (BLE)Division 89209-29-22PDF
Building  and Construction  Trades  Dept AFL-CIO (BCTD)North Georgia11-30-22PDF
Building and Construction Trades Dept AFL-CIO (BCTD)Kentucky State06-02-22PDF
Building and Construction Trades Dept AFL-CIO (BCTD)Monterey-Santa Cruz09-30-22PDF
Building and Construction Trades Dept AFL-CIO (BCTD)Northeastern Washington and Northern Idaho03-17-22PDF
Carpenters Ind (CJA)Local 28310-31-22PDF
Carpenters Ind (CJA)Local 35603-09-22PDF
Carpenters Ind (CJA)Local 73102-03-22PDF
Carpenters Ind (CJA)Local 73503-24-22PDF
Carpenters Ind (CJA)Local 100005-10-22PDF
Carpenters Ind (CJA)Local 223209-21-22PDF
Carpenters Ind (CJA)Regional Council 425408-09-22PDF
Christian Labor Union, IndependentLocal 1011-18-22PDF
Civilian Technicians Association INDTennessee State
Council for Air
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 317406-30-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 321511-03-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 337205-11-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 368003-16-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 380401-27-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 380812-22-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 400803-23-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 611812-08-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 705001-31-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 777701-21-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 958603-24-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 8120406-28-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 8475809-06-22PDF
Communications Workers AFL-CIO (CWA)Local 8864308-09-22PDF
Congress of Independent Unions NHQ-01-27-22PDF
Electrical Workers UE IndLocal 27409-30-22PDF
Electrical Workers UE IndLocal 27908-30-22PDF
Electrical Workers UE IndLocal 113901-06-22PDF
Electrical Workers, IBEW, AFL-CIO (IBEW)Local 5307-15-22PDF
Electrical Workers, IBEW, AFL-CIO (IBEW)Local 40109-28-22PDF
Electrical Workers, IBEW, AFL-CIO (IBEW)Local 43309-01-22PDF
Electrical Workers, IBEW, AFL-CIO (IBEW)Local 82407-15-22PDF
Electrical Workers, IBEW, AFL-CIO (IBEW)Local 88907-28-22PDF
Electrical Workers, IBEW, AFL-CIO (IBEW)Local 94209-28-22PDF
Electrical Workers, IBEW, AFL-CIO (IBEW)Local 119411-14-22PDF
Electrical Workers, IBEW, AFL-CIO (IBEW)Local 134711-22-22PDF
Electrical Workers, IBEW, AFL-CIO (IBEW)Local 143411-10-22PDF
Electrical Workers, IBEW, AFL-CIO (IBEW)Local 171801-28-22PDF
Electrical Workers, IBEW, AFL-CIO (IBEW)Local 228712-13-22PDF
Electrical Workers, IBEW, AFL-CIO (IBEW)Local 235904-05-22PDF
Elevator Constructors AFL-CIO (IUEC)Local 4504-21-22PDF
Fire Fighters AFL-CIO (IAFF)Local 12303-02-22PDF
Fire Fighters AFL-CIO (IAFF)Local 26301-21-22PDF
Fire Fighters AFL-CIO (IAFF)State Association 4506-08-22PDF
Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)Local 23D05-05-22PDF
Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)Local 35c05-10-22PDF
Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)Local 192C12-06-22PDF
Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)Local 43112-09-22PDF
Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)Local 68803-04-22PDF
Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)Local 71706-22-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 23703-17-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 52711-17-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 104005-18-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 123703-31-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 125010-18-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 177007-08-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 183409-16-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 184409-30-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 190611-17-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 201803-30-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 206509-19-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 227207-19-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 245909-22-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 318408-22-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 319709-06-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 376904-28-22PDF
Government Employees AFL-CIO (AFGE)Local 396903-25-22PDF
Government Security Officers, Ind (UGSOA)Local 88303-03-22PDF
Graphic Communications Workers Union District IBTDistrict Council 7S06-13-22PDF
Graphic Communications Conference, IBT (GCIU)Local 72-C03-29-22PDF
Guards Ind (GUA)Local 4609-22-22PDF
Independent Pilot Association (IPA)-08-08-22PDF
Insulators AFL-CIO (HFIA)Local 2106-10-22PDF
Insulators AFL-CIO (HFIA)Local 3708-29-22PDF
Iron Workers AFL-CIO (BSOIW)Local 13509-07-22PDF
Iron Workers AFL-CIO (BSOIW)Local 32109-28-22PDF
Iron Workers AFL-CIO (BSOIW)Local 79005-11-22PDF
Laborers (LIUNA)Local 36005-18-22PDF
Laborers (LIUNA)Local 144501-31-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 4504-27-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 13009-27-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 23109-20-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 25606-02-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 32504-06-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 45808-05-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 56906-03-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 58807-14-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 59907-26-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 88802-18-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 120303-22-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 148409-29-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 472405-05-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 558107-20-22PDF
Letter Carriers, Rural, Ind (RLCA)Local 212-16-22PDF
Letter Carriers, National Association, AFL-CIO (NALC)Branch 607009-30-22PDF
Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU)Local 1202-23-22PDF
Longshoremens Association AFL-CIO (ILA)Local 106603-17-22PDF
Longshoremens Association AFL-CIO (ILA)Local 143804-22-22PDF
Longshoremens Association AFL-CIO (ILA)Local 204705-04-22PDF
Machinists AFL-CIO (IAM)Local 117309-20-22PDF
Machinists AFL-CIO (IAM)Local 124309-26-22PDF
Machinists AFL-CIO (IAM)Local 178209-20-22PDF
Machinists AFL-CIO (IAM)Local 224910-05-22PDF
Maintenance Of Way Employees, IBT (BMWE)Burlington System Division09-20-22PDF
Maintenance Of Way Employees, IBT (BMWE)Local 171505-20-22PDF
Metal Workers Alliance-09-30-22PDF
Musicians AFL-CIO (AFM)Local 5609-14-22PDF
Musicians AFL-CIO (AFM)Local 36907-06-22PDF
Musicians AFL-CIO (AFM)Local 50002-02-22PDF
Musicians AFL-CIO (AFM)Local 62511-04-22PDF
Musicians AFL-CIO (AFM)Local 67707-20-22PDF
National Association of Government Employees (NAGE)Local 01-13409-27-22PDF
National Association of Government Employees (NAGE)Local 18708-17-22PDF
Ohio Nurses Association (ONA) Ashtabula County05-12-22PDF
Painters AFL-CIOLocal 10602-10-22PDF
Painters AFL-CIOLocal 35705-02-22PDF
Painters AFL-CIOLocal 47609-19-22PDF
Plumbers AFL-CIO (PPF)Northwest District Council10-27-22PDF
Postal Mail Handlers, LIUNALocal 32802-01-22PDF
Postal Workers, American, AFL-CIO (APWU)Washington State Association09-06-22PDF
Postal Workers, American, AFL-CIO (APWU)Local 18005-03-22PDF
Postal Workers, American, AFL-CIO (APWU)Local 24112-06-22PDF
Postal Workers, American, AFL-CIO (APWU)Local 24708-08-22PDF
Postal Workers, American, AFL-CIO (APWU)Local 33903-30-22PDF
Postal Workers, American, AFL-CIO (APWU)Local 35902-24-22PDF
Postal Workers, American, AFL-CIO (APWU)Local 599809-29-22PDF
Postal Workers, American, AFL-CIO (APWU)Local 703809-30-22PDF
Railroad Signalmen AFL-CIO (BRS)Local 18809-19-22PDF
Railroad Signalmen AFL-CIO (BRS)Local 23208-04-22PDF
Railroad Signalmen AFL-CIO (BRS)Local 23702-22-22PDF
Retail Wholesale, DC, UFCW (RWDSU)Local 53107-06-22PDF
Retail  Wholesale, DC, UFCW  (RWDSU)JC 93211-30-22PDF
Roofers AFL-CIO (RWAW)Local 4209-28-22PDF
Roofers AFL-CIO (RWAW)Local 5807-15-22PDF
Roofers AFL-CIO (RWAW)Local 15411-17-22PDF
Scotia Employees Association (SEA)-03-22-22PDF
Seafarers/Sugar Workers AFL-CIO (SIUNA)Local 106-15-22PDF
Security Police, Fire Professionals Association, Ind (SPFPA)Local 10006-16-22PDF
Service Employees (SEIU)Local 51301-24-22PDF
Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)General Committee of Adjustment 34609-13-22PDF
Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)Local 48TD01-14-22PDF
Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)Local 556-TD09-08-22PDF
Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)Local 21209-28-22PDF
Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)Local 42610-27-22PDF
Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)Local 46202-23-22PDF
Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)Local 94902-28-22PDF
Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)Local 120109-30-22PDF
Stage and Picture Operators AFL-CIO (IATSE)Local B6609-13-22PDF
Stage and Picture Operators AFL-CIO (IATSE)Local 1106-27-22PDF
Stage and Picture Operators AFL-CIO (IATSE)Local 1210-13-22PDF
Stage and Picture Operators AFL-CIO (IATSE)Local 5012-22-22PDF
Stage and Picture Operators AFL-CIO (IATSE)Local 7809-30-22PDF
Stage and Picture Operators AFL-CIO (IATSE)Local 18309-16-22PDF
Stage and Picture Operators AFL-CIO (IATSE)Local 41409-30-22PDF
Stage and Picture Operators AFL-CIO (IATSE)Local 83510-31-22PDF
State, County, and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO (AFSCME)Council 409-19-22PDF
State, County, and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO (AFSCME)Local 10104-21-22PDF
State, County, and Municipal      Employees  AFL-CIO (AFSCME)Local 49409-26-22PDF
State, County, and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO (AFSCME)Local 72504-25-22PDF
State, County, and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO (AFSCME)Local 92802-07-22PDF
State, County, and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO (AFSCME)Local 116406-15-22PDF
State, County, and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO (AFSCME)Local 351804-18-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 1-45006-16-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 01-1117L04-06-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 9-1512004-11-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 1906-23-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 8101-21-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 11509-29-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 15502-11-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 17306-10-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 28907-05-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 525U12-08-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 99512-21-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 110406-28-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 191705-18-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 1-5439-S08-26-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 724804-27-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 797205-25-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 1306108-11-22PDF
Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW)Local 9-1512004-11-22PDF
Studio Security Fire Association-10-13-22PDF
Symphony Opera and Ballet MusiciansPacific Northwest Ballet Players Organization05-31-22PDF
Teachers AFL-CIO (AFT) Service & Skilled Maintenance Employees United (SSMEU)Local 512103-18-22PDF
Transit Union AFL-CIO (ATU)Local 157401-20-22PDF
Transit Union AFL-CIO (ATU)Local 144704-01-22PDF
Transit Union AFL-CIO (ATU)Local 162502-23-22PDF
Transportation Communications Union (TCU)District T-61005-16-22PDF
Transportation Communications Union (TCU)/IAM, AFL-CIOLodge T-667309-20-22PDF
Transportation Communications Union (TCU)Local 46407-13-22PDF
Transportation Communications Union (TCU)Local 76311-23-22PDF
Transportation Communications (TCU)Local 250609-30-22PDF
Treasury Employees Union Ind (NTEU)Chapter 9306-09-22PDF
Treasury Employees Union Ind (NTEU)Chapter 22407-22-22PDF
UNITE HERELocal 1704-27-22PDF
UNITE HERELocal 15004-01-22PDF
United Security and Police Officers of America (NUSPO)Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police05-04-22PDF
Utility Workers AFL-CIO (UWU)Local 11803-02-22PDF


Last Updated: 11-30-23