Number: 09-09

August 4, 2009

Employee Rights Under Federal Labor Laws: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

On August 3, 2009, the Department of Labor published in the Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) seeking comments on proposed regulations to implement Executive Order (E.O.) 13496. See: is external).

E.O. 13496, which President Barack Obama signed on January 30, 2009 (74 FR 6107), requires the Secretary of Labor to prescribe the form and content of a notice that must be posted by Federal contractors and subcontractors informing their employees of rights they have under Federal labor laws. See: is external). This requirement to post the notice is to be included in all covered Federal contracts and subcontracts.

In its NPRM, the Department of Labor proposes a notice of rights employees have under the National Labor Relations Act, including rights related to engaging in union activity and collective bargaining. The regulations also propose related administrative and enforcement procedures. 

The NPRM provides for a 30 day comment period, which closes on September 2, 2009, during which the Department seeks input from interested members of the public on the proposed regulations. You may submit comments, identified by RIN 1215-AB70, only by the following methods:

  1. Internet—Federal eRulemaking Portal. Electronic comments may be submitted through is external)To locate the proposed rule, use key words such as ‘‘Department of Labor’’ or ‘‘Notification of Employee Rights Under Federal Labor Laws’’ to search documents accepting comments. Additionally, the docket designation for this NPRM is LMSO-2009-0002.  Follow the instructions for submitting comments. Please be advised that comments received will be posted without change to is external), including any personal information provided.
  2. Delivery: Comments should be sent to: Denise M. Boucher, Director of the Office of Policy, Reports and Disclosure, Office of Labor-Management Standards, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room N–5609, Washington, DC 20210. 

Because of security precautions the Department continues to experience delays in U.S. mail delivery. You should take this into consideration when preparing to meet the deadline for submitting comments.

OLMS recommends that you confirm receipt of your delivered comments by contacting (202) 693–0123 (this is not a toll-free number). Individuals with hearing impairments may call (800) 877–8339 (TTY/TDD). Only those comments submitted through is external), hand-delivered, or mailed will be accepted. Comments will be available for public inspection at is external) and during normal business hours at the above address.

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Last Updated: 08/05/09