Number: 05-09

March 30, 2009

OLMS News 05-09: Final Rule; Rescission of Regulations Implementing Executive Order 13201

On March 30, 2009 OLMS published in the Federal Register a final rule that rescinds the regulations that implemented and enforced the now-revoked Executive Order (E.O.) 13201.  See: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-6926.pdf(link is external). OLMS has removed all material from its Web site relating to E.O. 13201.

OLMS took this action pursuant to E.O. 13496, which President Obama signed on January 30, 2009.  E.O. 13496 revoked E.O. 13201 and instructed executive departments and agencies to revoke any orders, rules, regulations, or policies implementing or enforcing E.O. 13201.  See Executive Order 13496, Section 13, 74 FR 6107 (February 4, 2009): http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-2485.pdf(link is external)

The Department is also taking steps to effect the remaining requirements of E.O. 13496.

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Last Updated: 03/30/09