Number: 03-09

March 19, 2009

Form LM-2 and LM-3: Notice of proposed extension of effective date and applicability date.

The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) today published in the Federal Register a notice seeking public comment on a proposal to delay for 180 days the April 21, 2009, effective date of the new regulations published on January 21, 2009, and extended by a document published February 20, 2009; and delay the applicability date of the rule, now set for July 1, 2009, until January 1, 2010. Today’s notice proposes to delay the effective date of the new regulations until October 19, 2009. The notice can be viewed here: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-5690.pdf(link is external)

The new regulations published on January 21, 2009, revised the Form LM-2 and established a procedure whereby the Department may revoke the authorization to file the simplified report Form LM-3.

The comment period for the proposed delay of the effective date and applicability date will close on April 7, 2009. For additional information and links to the Federal Register Notice, please visit the Form LM-2 and Form LM-3 NPRM page on the OLMS Web site at:


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Last Updated: 03/23/09