The Cost & Price Determination Division (CPDD) has delegated authority to negotiate and issue indirect cost rates (ICR) and cost allocation plans (CAPs) on behalf of the federal government for organizations receiving the preponderance of direct federal funds from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The negotiated ICR rates and CAPs are used to properly support indirect cost billings and close-out efforts on cost reimbursable grants and contracts.

CPDD performs four main functions:

  1. Negotiate, issue, and maintain a file of indirect cost rates and cost allocation plans based on regulatory guidance applicable to state/local organizations, non-profit organizations, and commercial organizations.
  2. Conduct the audit resolution process for indirect costs and cost allocation findings resulting from audit reports issued by DOL's Office of Inspector General.
  3. Provide liaison, coordination, and technical assistance to federal agencies, DOL personnel, grantees, and contractors on indirect cost issues through formal and informal communication.
  4. When requested, provide pre-award cost analysis reports to Contracting Officers in DOL based on FAR 15.404-1(c).

In the future, CPDD will also provide pre-award price analysis reports based on FAR 15.404-1(b)(link is external) when requested by DOL Contracting Officers.

To learn more, please contact 202-693-4100 or visit the Contact Us page.