[Note: This Secretary's Order was later published at 61 Fed. Reg. 4289 (Feb. 5, 1996)]



January 26, 1996


Subject: Time Extension of Secretary's Order 6-94, Establishing Pilot Project to Create Concurrent Authorities and Responsibilities for the Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health and the Assistant Secretary for Employment Standards With Respect to Certain Whistleblower Protection Laws and Certain Laws Establishing Labor Standards Affecting Field Sanitation and Migrant Housing.

1. Purpose. Secretary's Order 6-94 (published in the Federal Register at 60 F.R. 3655, January 18, 1995) established a pilot program to test the efficacy of a limited exchange of enforcement responsibilities for certain whistleblower and agriculture safety and health programs, by granting to the Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health and to the Assistant Secretary for Employment Standards limited concurrent authority to enforce the whistleblower protections and agricultural safety and health laws enumerated in sections 4.a. and 4.b. of that Order. Section 7 of Secretary's Order 6-94 provided that the pilot program would commence in the Dallas Region, Southwest Division (excluding New Mexico), and authorized the two Assistant Secretaries to modify the geographic scope of the program by written agreement approved by the Secretary. Section 2 of Secretary's Order 6-94 provided that the delegations of authority and responsibility established by the Order would expire at the end of the calendar year 1995.

The purpose of this Secretary's Order is to amend the latter provision to provide that the one-year pilot project and the delegations of authority and responsibility established by Secretary's Order 6-94 are hereby extended until further Order of the Secretary.

2. Directives Affected. Section 2 of Secretary's Order 6-94 is hereby superseded to the extent that it provides that the authority and responsibilities established by the Order expire at the end of the calendar year 1995. Under the terms of this Order, the pilot project and the delegations of authority and responsibility established by Secretary's Order 6-94 are hereby extended until further Order of the Secretary.

3. Effective date. This Order is effective immediately.

s /Robert B. Reich