
The materials posted on this page are archived Longshore reference works maintained here only for their historical research value.  These works are not being updated and may not reflect the current state of the law.

OALJ Judges' Benchbook

The OALJ Judges' Benchbook was maintained only through January 2005.  OALJ recommends limiting use of this resource for information not covered by the Benefits Review Board's Longshore Deskbook, and with the understanding that it may not reflect the current state of the law.

Memoranda and Speeches

The following documents were authored by Kerry J. Anzalone, who was formerly OALJ's Senior Counsel for Longshore, or David w. Di Nardi, who was formerly District Chief ALJ at OALJ's Boston District Office.  The views and opinions expressed in these documents are their own and do not represent the official position of the Department of Labor or the Office of Administrative Law Judges.