20 C.F.R. Part 718, Subpart B


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Subpart B-Criteria for the Development of Medical Evidence

§ 718.101 General.

The Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (hereinafter OWCP or the Office) shall develop the medical evidence necessary for a determination with respect to each claimant's entitlement to benefits. Each miner who files a claim for benefits under the Act shall be provided an opportunity to substantiate his or her claim by means of a complete pulmonary evaluation including, but not limited to, a chest roentgenogram (X-ray), physical examination, pulmonary function tests and a blood-gas study.

§ 718.102 Chest roentgenograms (X- rays).

(a) A chest roentgenogram (X-ray) shall be of suitable quality for proper classification of pneumoconiosis and shall conform to the standards for administration and interpretation of chest X-rays as described in Appendix A.

(b) A chest X-ray to establish the existence of pneumoconiosis shall be classified as Category 1, 2, 3, A, B, or C, according to the International Labour Organization Union Internationale Contra Cancer/Cincinnati (1971) International Classification of Radiographs of the Pneumoconioses (ILO-U/C 1971), or subsequent revisions thereof. A chest X-ray classified as Category Z under the ILO Classification (1958) or Short Form (1968) shall be reclassified as Category 0 or Category I as appropriate, and only the latter accepted as evidence of pneumoconiosis. A chest X-ray classified under any of the foregoing classifications as Category 0, including sub-categories 0/-, 0/0, or 0/1 under the UICC/Cincinnati (1968) Classification or the ILO-U/C 1971 Classification does not constitute evidence of pneumoconiosis.

(c) A description and interpretation of the findings in terms of the classifications described in paragraph (b) of this section shall be submitted by the examining physician along with the film. The report shall specify the name and qualifications of the person who took the film and the name and qualifications of the physician interpreting the film. If the physician interpreting the film is a Board-certified or Board-eligible radiologist or a certified "B" reader (see §718.202), he or she shall so indicate. The report shall further specify that the film was interpreted in compliance with this paragraph.

(d) The original film on which the X-ray report is based shall be supplied to the Office, unless prohibited by law, in which event the report shall be considered as evidence only if the original film is otherwise available to the Office and other parties. Where the chest X-ray of a deceased miner has been lost, destroyed or is otherwise unavailable, a report of a chest X-ray submitted by any party shall be considered in connection with the claim.

(e) No chest X-ray shall constitute evidence of the presence or absence of pneumoconiosis unless it is in substantial compliance with the requirements of this section and Appendix A, except that in the case of a deceased miner where the only available X-ray is of sufficient quality for determining the presence or absence of pneumoconiosis and such X-ray was interpreted by a Board-certified or Board-eligible radiologist or a certified "B" reader (see §718.208) such X-ray shall be considered and shall be accorded such weight and probative value as is appropriate in light of all of the evidence applicable to the individual case. It shall be presumed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the requirements of Appendix A have been met.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1215-0090) (Pub. L. No. 96-511)

[45 FR 13678, Feb. 29, 1980, as amended at 48 FR 24287, May 31, 1983; 49 FR 18295, Apr. 30, 1984]

§ 718.103 Pulmonary function tests.

(a) Any report of pulmonary function tests submitted in connection with a claim for benefits shall record the results of the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and either the forced vital capacity (FVC) or the maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV) or both. If the MVV is reported, the results of such test shall be obtained independently rather than calculated from the results of the FEV1. Such tests shall be administered and reported in accordance with the standards for the administration and interpretation of pulmonary function tests as described in Appendix B. It shall be presumed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that these requirements have been met.

(b) All pulmonary function test results submitted in connection with a claim for benefits shall be accompained [Editor's note: sic] by three tracings of each test performed, unless the results of two tracings of the MVV are within 5% of each other, in which case two tracings for that test shall be sufficient. Pulmonary function test results submitted in connection with a claim for benefits shall also include a statement signed by the physician or technician conducting the test setting forth the following:

(1) Date and time of test;
(2) Name, DOL claim number, age, height, and weight of claimant at the time of the test;
(3) Name of technician;
(4) Name and signature of physician supervising the test;
(5) Claimant's ability to understand the instructions, ability to follow directions and degree of cooperation in performing the tests. If the claimant is unable to complete the test, the person executing the report shall set forth the reasons for such failure;
(6) Paper speed of the instrument used;
(7) Name of the instrument used;
(8) Whether a bronchodilator was administered. If a bronchodilator is administered, the physician's report must detail values obtained both before and after administration of the bronchodilator and explain the significance of the results obtained; and
(9) That the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section have been complied with.

(c) No results of pulmonary function tests shall constitute evidence of a respiratory or pulmonary impairment unless such tests are conducted and reported in substantial compliance with this section and Appendix B. Special consideration shall be given in the case of a deceased miner where, in the opinion of the adjudication officer, the only available tests demonstrate technically valid results obtained with good cooperation of the miner.

(The information collection requirements contained in paragraph (b) were approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 12154-0090)

(Pub. L. No. 96-511)

[45 FR 13678, Feb. 29, 1980, as amended at 49 FR 18295, Apr. 30, 1984]

§ 718.104 Report of physical examina- tions.

A report of any physical examination conducted in connection with a claim shall include the miner's medical and employment history. A medical report form supplied by the Office or a report containing substantially the same information shall be completed for all findings. In addition to the chest X-ray and pulmonary function tests, the physician shall use his or her judgment in the selection of other procedures such as electrocardiogram, blood-gas studies, and other blood analyses in his or her evaluation of the miner. All manifestations of chronic respiratory disease shall be noted. Any pertinent findings not specifically listed on the form shall be added by the examining physician. If heart disease secondary to lung disease is found, all symptoms and significant findings shall be noted.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1215-0090)

(Pub. L. No. 96-511)

[45 FR 13678, Feb. 29, 1980, as amended at 49 FR 18295, Apr. 30,1984]

§ 718.105 Arterial blood-gas studies.

(a) Blood-gas studies are performed to detect an impairment in the process of alveolar gas exchange. This defect will manifest itself primarily as a fall in arterial oxygen tension either at rest or during exercise. No blood-gas study shall be performed if medically contraindicated.

(b) A blood-gas study shall initially be administered at rest and in a sitting position. If the results of the blood-gas test at rest do not satisfy the requirements of Appendix C, an exercise bloodgas test shall be offered to the miner unless medically contraindicated. If an exercise blood-gas test is administered, blood shall be drawn during exercise.

(c) Any report of a blood-gas study submitted in connection with a claim shall specify:

(1) Date and time of test;
(2) Altitude and barometric pressure at which the test was conducted;
(3) Name and DOL claim number of the claimant;
(4) Name of technician;
(5) Name and signature of physician supervising the study;
(6) The recorded values for pCO2, pO2, and pH, which have been collected simultaneously (specify values at rest and, if performed, during exercise);
(7) Duration and type of exercise;
(8) Pulse rate at the time the blood sample was drawn;
(9) Time between drawing of sample and analysis of sample; and
(10) Whether equipment was calibrated before and after each test.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1215-0090)

(Pub. L. No. 96-511)

[45 FR 13678, Feb. 29, 1980, as amended at 49 FR 18295, Apr. 30,1984]

§ 718.106 Autopsy; biopsy.

(a) A report of an autopsy or biopsy submitted in connection with a claim shall include a detailed gross macroscopic and microscopic description of the lungs or visualized portion of a lung. If a surgical procedure has been performed to obtain a portion of a lung, the evidence shall include a copy of the surgical note and the pathology report of the gross and microscopic examination of the surgical specimen. If an autopsy has been performed, a complete copy of the autopsy report shall be submitted to the Office.

(b) No report of an autopsy or biopsy submitted in connection with a claim shall be considered unless the report complies with the requirements of this section, except that in the case of a miner who died prior to March 31, 1980, such reports shall be considered even when the reports are not in substantial compliance with the requirements of this section. Such nonconforming reports concerning miners who died prior to March 31, 1980, shall be accorded such weight and probative value as is appropriate in light of all of the evidence applicable to the individual case. (c) A negative biopsy is not conclusive evidence that the miner does not have pneumoconiosis. However, where positive findings are obtained on biopsy, the results will constitute evidence of the presence of pneumoconiosis.

[45 FR 13678, Feb. 29, 1980, as amended at 48 FR 24288, May 31, 1983]

§ 718.107 Other medical evidence.

The results of any medically acceptable test or procedure reported by a physician not addressed in this subpart which test or procedure tends to demonstrate the presence or absence of pneumoconiosis or the sequelae of pneumoconiosis or the presence or absence of a respiratory or pulmonary impairment, may be submitted in connection with a claim and shall be given appropriate consideration.