(a) Under certain circumstances the amount of monthly benefits as computed in 725.520 or lump-sum award (725.521) shall be modified to determine the amount actually to be paid to a beneficiary. With respect to any benefits payable for all periods of eligibility after January 1, 1974, a reduction of the amount of benefits payable shall be required on account of:
(1) Any compensation or benefits received under any State workers' compensation law because of death or partial or total disability due to pneumoconiosis; or
(2) Any compensation or benefits received under or pursuant to any Federal law including part B of title IV of the act because of death or partial or total disability due to pneumoconiosis; or
(3) In the case of benefits to a parent, brother, or sister as a result of a claim filed at any time or benefits payable on a miner's claim which was filed on or after January 1, 1982, the excess earnings from wages and from net earnings from self-employment (see 410.530 of this title) of such parent, brother, sister, or miner, respectively; or
(4) The fact that a claim for benefits from an additional beneficiary is filed, or that such claim is effective for a payment during the month of filing, or a dependent qualifies under this part for an augmentation portion of a benefit of a miner or widow for a period in which another dependent has previously qualified for an augmentation.
(b) With respect to periods of eligibility occurring after June 30, 1973, but before January 1, 1974, benefits shall be reduced in months of eligibility occurring during such period only:
(1) By an amount equal to any payment received under the workers' compensation, unemployment compensation, or disability insurance laws of any State on account of the disability or death of the miner due to pneumoconiosis; and
(2) On account of excess earnings under section 203 (b) through (l) of the Social Security Act; and
(3) For failure to report earnings from work in employment and self-employment within the prescribed period of time; and
(4) By reason of the fact that a claim for benefits from an additional beneficiary is filed, or that such a claim is effective for a month prior to the month of filing, or a dependent qualifies under this part or this chapter for an augmentation portion of a benefit of a miner or surviving spouse for a month for which another dependent has previously qualified for an augmentation.
(c) With respect to claims filed between July 1 and December 31, 1973, and paid for periods of eligibility occurring during such period, there shall be no retroactive adjustment of benefits paid in light of the amendments enacted by the Black Lung Benefits Reform Act of 1977 insofar as such amendments affect events which cause a reduction in benefits.
(d) An adjustment in a beneficiary's monthly benefit may be required because an overpayment or underpayment has been made to such beneficiary (see 725.540-725.546).
(e) A suspension of a beneficiary's monthly benefits may be required when the Office has information indicating that reductions on account of excess earnings may reasonably be expected.
(f) Monthly benefit rates are payable in multiples of 10 cents. Any monthly benefit rate which, after the applicable computations, augmentations, and reductions is not a multiple of 10 cents, is increased to the next higher multiple of 10 cents. Since a fraction of a cent is not a multiple of 10 cents, a benefit rate which contains such a fraction in the third decimal is raised to the next higher multiple of 10 cents.
(g) Any individual entitled to a benefit, who is aware of any circumstances which could affect entitlement to benefits, eligibility for payment, or the amount of benefits, or result in the termination, suspension, or reduction of benefits, shall promptly report these circumstances to the Office. The Office may at any time require an individual receiving, or claiming entitlement to, benefits, either on his or her own behalf or on behalf of another, to submit a written statement giving pertinent information bearing upon the issue of whether or not an event has occurred which would cause such benefit to be terminated, or which would subject such benefit to reductions or suspension under the provisions of the Act. The failure of an individual to submit any such report or statement, properly executed, to the Office shall subject such benefit to reductions, suspension, or termination as the case may be.

[43 FR 36772, Aug. 18, 1978, as amended at 48 FR 24293, May 31, 1983]

Editorial Note : Section 725.533(a)(3) revised at 48 FR 24293, May 31, 1983, contains information collection requirements which are not effective until approved by the Office of Management and Budget. Notice of approval will be published in the Federal Register.