(a) At the conclusion of the period permitted by 725.414 for the submission of evidence, the deputy commissioner may conduct an informal conference in any claim where it appears that such conference will assist in the voluntary resolution of any issue raised with respect to the claim. The conference proceedings shall not be stenographically reported and sworn testimony shall not be taken.
(b) The deputy commissioner shall notify the parties of a definite time and place for the conference and may in his or her discretion, or on the motion of any party, cancel or reschedule a conference.
(c) Any representative of an operator, of an operator's insurance carrier, or of a claimant must have sufficient authority to stipulate facts or issues or agree to a final dispositon of the claim.
(d) Procedures to be followed at a conference shall be within the discretion of the deputy commissioner. In the case of a conference involving an unrepresented claimant the deputy commissioner shall fully inform the claimant of the consequences of any agreement the claimant is asked to sign. If it is apparent that the unrepresented claimant does not understand the nature or effect of the proceedings, the deputy commissioner shall not permit the execution of any stipulation or agreement in the claim unless it is clear that the best interests of the claimant are served thereby.