(a) If an operator notified of its possible liability for a claim after the deputy commissioner has made initial findings (725.410) with respect to the claim contests the claim, such operator shall be allowed a reasonable time, to be determined by the deputy commissioner from the date on which the notice of contest is sent, within which to submit to the deputy commissioner and exchange with all other parties all available evidence relevant to any contested issue in the claim. During this period, a notified operator may have the miner examined by a physician selected by such operator, except that no miner shall be required to travel more than 100 miles from his or her place of residence for the purpose of submitting to a medical examination requested by an operator, unless a trip of greater distance is authorized in writing by the deputy commissioner.
(b) If an operator is notified of its possible liability for a claim before the deputy commissioner has made initial findings with respect to the claim or if no initial findings are made, and such operator indicates its intent to contest the claim, such operator shall promptly undertake the development of its evidence, including any medical evidence which may be obtained, if the operator seeks to have the miner examined by a physician which it selects. Any evidence obtained by an operator shall be sent to the deputy commissioner and all other parties to the claim. On the basis of the operator's evidence and all other evidence submitted to the deputy commissioner, the deputy commissioner may make initial findings with respect to the claim or may take such other action as is appropriate. If the deputy commissioner makes an initial finding that the claimant is ineligible for benefits, the deputy commissioner shall proceed to consider the claim as provided in 725.410(c). If the deputy commissioner makes an initial finding that the claimant is eligible for benefits and that the notified operator is liable for such benefits, the parties shall be so notified. Within 30 days from the date on which notice of the deputy commissioner's initial findings of eligibility and liability is sent to the parties, each party shall either accept or contest any or all of such initial findings and shall, except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, submit any available evidence not previously submitted, to the deputy commissioner. The deputy commissioner shall then proceed to adjudicate the claim under 725.415. The failure by an operator to respond to initial findings of eligibility made under this paragraph shall have the same consequences as an operator's failure to respond to notice of a claim (see 725.413(b)(3)).
(c) The report of any medical examination or test conducted under this section, or any other evidence submitted, shall be submitted to the deputy commissioner and sent to the other parties to the claim within the applicable period set forth in this section, unless the deputy commissioner enlarges such period for good cause shown or in the interest of justice.
(d) Upon receipt of a medical report obtained by an operator under this section, a claimant shall, upon request, be allowed a reasonable time, as determined by the deputy commissioner from the date on which the operator's report is received, to obtain additional evidence in support of the claim. Such evidence shall be obtained, submitted to the deputy commissioner, and exchanged with the other parties within the period allowed, unless the period is enlarged by the deputy commissioner for good cause shown.
(e) (1) Any documentary evidence obtained by a party during the time a claim is pending before a deputy commissioner, which is withheld from the deputy commissioner or any other party to the claim, shall not be admitted in any later proceedings held with respect to the claim in the absence of extraordinary circumstances, unless the admission of such evidence is requested by the Director or such other party.
(2) If an operator notified of a claim does not undertake a good faith effort to develop its evidence while the claim is pending before the deputy commissioner, the deputy commissioner shall proceed to adjudicate the claim in accordance with 725.415. A notified operator which does not undertake a good faith effort to develop its evidence before the deputy commissioner shall be considered to have waived its right to either have the claimant examined by a physician of its choosing or have the claimant's evidence submitted for review by a physician of its choosing.