(a) Within 30 days after receipt of notification issued under 725.412, unless such period is extended by the deputy commissioner for good cause shown, or in the interest of justice, a notified operator shall indicate an intent to accept or contest liability. If notice is given to the operator after initial findings have been made, the operator shall indicate its agreement or disagreement with each such finding. If notice is given to the operator before initial findings have been made, the operator shall indicate agreement or disagreement with the operator's identification as a potentially liable coal mine operator. An operator's response to notification shall be in writing and shall be sent to the deputy commissioner, the claimant, and all other parties to the claim.
(b) (1) If the operator accepts liability for the claim after initial findings have been made, the deputy commissioner shall issue a proposed decision and order under 725.418.
(2) If the operator contests its liability or any of the initial findings of the deputy commissioner, if any, or if the deputy commissioner has determined the claimant to be ineligible for benefits, the deputy commissioner shall proceed to adjudicate the claim in accordance with this subpart.
(3) If the operator fails to respond within the specified period, such operator shall be deemed to have accepted the initial findings of the deputy commissioner when made and shall not, except as provided in 725.463, be permitted to raise issues or present evidence with respect to issues inconsistent with the initial findings in any further proceeding conducted with respect to the claim. In a case where an operator has failed to respond to notification, such failure shall be considered a waiver of such operator's right to contest the claim, unless the operator's failure to respond to notice is excused for good cause shown, and the deputy commissioner may proceed to issue a proposed decision and order pursuant to 725.418, undertake further development, hold a conference, or refer the claim for a hearing.
(c) Any operator or carrier may in writing designate an office or person authorized to receive notice of a claim on behalf of such operator or carrier. All such notices to the operator or carrier shall thereafter be sent to the designated office or person.