For the purpose of augmenting benefits, an individual will be considered to be the spouse of a miner if:
(a) The courts of the State in which the miner is domiciled would find that such individual and the miner validly married; or
(b) The courts of the State in which the miner is domiciled would find, under the law they would apply in determining the devolution of the miner's intestate personal property, that the individual is the miner's spouse; or
(c) Under State law, such individual would have the right of a spouse to share in the miner's intestate personal property; or
(d) (1) Such individual went through a marriage ceremony with the miner resulting in a purported marriage between them and which, but for a legal impediment, would have been a valid marriage, unless the individual entered into the purported marriage with knowledge that it was not a valid marriage, or if such individual and the miner were not living in the same household in the month in which a request is filed that the miner's benefits be augmented because such individual qualifies as the miner's spouse. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply, however, if the miner's benefits are or have been augmented under 725.520(c) because another person qualifies or has qualified as the miner's spouse and such other person is, or is considered to be, the spouse of such miner under paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section at the time such request is filed.
(2) The qualification of an individual for augmentation purposes under this paragraph shall end with the month before the month in which:
(i) The Office determines that the benefits of the miner should be augmented on account of another person, if such other person is (or is considered to be) the spouse of the miner under paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section, or
(ii) If the individual who previously qualified as a spouse for purposes of 725.520(c), entered into a valid marriage without regard to this paragraph, with a person other than the miner.