United States Department of Labor
Office of
Administrative Law Judges Law
February 1999

Latorre v.Coriell Institute for Medical Research , ARB No. 98-040, ALJ No. 1997-ERA-46 (ARB Feb. 26, 1999)(Decision & Order of Remand)
Somerson v. Yellow Freight System, Inc. , ARB Nos. 99-005 and 99-036, ALJ Nos. 1998-STA-9 and 11 (ARB Feb. 18, 1999)(Final Decision & Order)
Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma , ARB No. 98-153, ALJ No. 1997-JTP-12 (ARB Feb. 12, 1999)(Order of Dismissal)
Fabricius v. Town of Braintree/Park Dept. , ARB No. 97-144, ALJ No. 1997-CAA-14 (ARB Feb. 9, 1999)(Final Decision & Order with Limited Remand Concerning Attorney Fees)
S. B. Ballard Construction Co. , ARB No. 99-019 (ARB Feb. 3, 1999)(Order of Dismissal)
Timmons v. Franklin Electric Coop. , ARB No. 97-141, ALJ No. 1997-SWD-2 (ARB Feb. 2, 1999)(Supplemental Order Awarding Attorney's Fees)
Foley v. Boston Edison Co. , ARB No. 99-022, ALJ No. 1997-ERA-56 (ARB Feb. 2, 1999)(Order Denying Motion to Reopen the Record & Admit New Evidence)