WEKEZA: Wezesha Ustawi, Endeleza Kiwango cha Elimu Kuzia Ajira kwa Watoto/ INVEST: Supporting Livelihoods and Developing Quality Education to Stop Child Labor

Project Duration
December 2012
March 2017
Funding and Year

The project will support local efforts to reduce child labor in Tanzania through an area-based approach in the regions of Tanga and Kigoma, where there is a prevalence of child labor in agriculture production and domestic service.

The Problem

The continued prevalence of exploitative child labor in Tanzania indicates a gap between child labor initiatives at the national level and their direct impact at the regional, district, and community levels. While national laws and policies exist, there is no widespread awareness about them and inadequate resources have been allocated to their implementation.

The regions of Kigoma and Tanga have significant tobacco and sisal production. The production of these crops relies on smallholder farms and out-grower schemes where child labor is prevalent and not effectively regulated and monitored. Child domestic service in these regions is also a growing issue. There has been a rise in the number of children leaving these regions to find work as domestics in Dar es Salaam and other regions of the country.

Child labor data is not widely available at any level of government and the national child labor monitoring system is not operational in most of the country. 

Our Strategy

Expected outcomes (objectives) include:

  • Outcome 1: Children and youth who are at risk of engaging or engaged in child labor access, attend and/or complete quality formal and non-formal primary and secondary school education.
    • Output 1.1: Increased enrollment in formal and non-formal education.
    • Output 1.2: Improved teaching and learning outcomes.
    • Output 1.3: Engaged community, and government capacity, contributions, and accountability.
  • Outcome 2: Households with increased income rely less on child labor to meet family needs
    • Output 2.1: Households have increased income and asset accumulation from their agriculture livelihoods.
    • Output 2.2. Households have increased access to alternative livelihood options.
    • Output 2.3: Household resources and ability to withstand shocks are increased through savings and access to credit.  
  • Outcome 3: Youth have increased access to safe and productive employment opportunities.
    • Output 3.1: Youth have the necessary skills to access or create employment opportunities.
    • Output 3.2: Youth access market-relevant vocational training and apprenticeship opportunities.
    • Output 3.3: Youth own and operate their own micro-franchise businesses.
  • Outcome 4: Children at risk of or engaged in child labor and their families have increase access to national social protection services.
    • Output 4.1: Improved linkages with national social protection services.
  • Outcome 5: Strengthened institutional capacity and policies to address child labor.
    • Outcome 5.1: Improved local government capacity to address child labor.
    • Output 5.2: A functioning CLMS exists at the national and district level to inform policies and programs to address child labor.
    • Output 5.3: Child labor is mainstreamed into key policies at national level.
  • Outcome 6: Increased understanding of child domestic labor and other child labor issues at national local level
    • Output 6.1.: Increased awareness on child domestic labor at the local level.
    • Output 6.2: Increased understanding at the national level of the issues related to child domestic labor. 


The project will support children and youth “at-risk” or engaged in child labor in targeted districts, including those in domestic service and commercial agriculture (especially in the sisal and tobacco sectors). It will provide 8,000 children with vouchers or scholarships to increase access to primary, secondary, and non-formal education. 3,360 households will receive support to increase savings and loans and improve their livelihoods. 4,200 youth will gain access to enhanced vocational training and employment.


As of March 31, 2017, the project has provided educational services to 13,096 children engaged in or at-risk of the worst forms of child labor and livelihoods services to 5,383 households. 

International Rescue Committee
Implementing Partners:
Foundation for Civil Society, Kiota Women’s Health Development, Tanga Youth Development Association, The Institute for Development Studies at the University of Dar es Salaam, World Vision
Contact Information:
(202) 693-4843 / Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT)
Child Labor
Commercial Agriculture
Domestic Work