Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


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2022 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Minimal Advancement – Efforts Made but Continued Practice that Delayed Advancement

In 2022, Yemen made minimal advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. In 2022, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor conducted four inspections based on complaints. However, despite this initiative, Yemen is assessed as having made only minimal advancement because it continued to implement practices that delay advancement to eliminate child labor. There is evidence of recruitment and use of children in hostilities by state armed forces in contravention of Yemeni law. Furthermore, the government failed to make efforts to address discrimination in schools against children from the Muhamasheen (“marginalized”) community, leading to their increased vulnerability to child labor. Children in Yemen are subjected to the worst forms of child labor, including in commercial sexual exploitation, sometimes as a result of human trafficking, and use in armed conflict, including by Houthi insurgent forces and other armed groups. Children also perform dangerous tasks in fishing. Research found no evidence of a government policy on worst forms of child labor outside of child soldiering. Moreover, the Republic of Yemen government continued to have limited operational control over its ministries and was unable to enforce regulations to address child labor.

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